


(   )3. What is NOT mentioned in the table?

A. Age.      B. Pay.        C. Address.         D. Phone number.

(   )4. If someone gets the job, he or she must work     .

A. four hours a day     B. six days a week

C. five days a week     D. twenty hours a week

(   )5. If a foreigner wants to have an interview, he or she should go for an interview     .

A. in late August        B. after August 15th

C. before August 16th  D. in early September


My first experience of learning a foreign language was with French. I chose French for some reasons. Firstly, it is necessary to have some knowledge of a foreign language for people nowadays. Secondly, I want to study in France some day.  Thirdly, there’re several famous French books at home, and I want to read them.

During my high school years, I learned ninth and tenth-grade French.

Ninth-grade French was very difficult for me. I had trouble learning vocabulary and remembering words. I spent hours every week on word cards, but this way did not work well for me. And I didn’t like the textbook. It had a lot of grammar exercises and short talks between two American students who visited Paris. We had to do many grammar exercises for homework. In the end, I got “C’s” in ninth-grade French. In tenth-grade French, I got “C’s” in the final tests. However, I wasn’t as worried about getting “D’s” or even “F’s” in French as I had been in ninth grade. The classes see med easier and the lessons in the textbook seemed interesting to me. We spent more time using the language in activities like role plays, and less time on grammar practice than the last year.

(   )6. Which of the following is NOT a reason for the writer to learn French?

A. Learning a foreign language is necessary.

B. The writer wants to study in France some day.

C. The writer wants to read some French books.

D. At first, French was quite easy for the writer to learn.

(   )7. The writer spent lots of time      in ninth-grade French, but it did not work well.

A. role-playing        B. remembering words

C. learning grammar     D. having conversations

(   )8. The writer felt French lessons were      in tenth grade.

A. difficult          B. boring

C. interesting        D. different

(   )9. In tenth-grade French, the writer     .

A. was very worried about tests

B. improved a lot in grammar

C. got the same grades as in ninth grade

D. got better grades than the last year

(   )10.  From the passage we know

A. tenth-grade French was not too difficult for the writer

B. the writer went to France in order to learn French

C. the writer liked the textbooks because there were short talks in them

D. the writer liked reading French books when he was a middle school student


Scientists surveyed 7,304 students in 156 middle schools in China, Japan, Korea and the United States to study the middle school students’ attitudes (态度) towards life. Here are the results:

Result 1

More than half of the students in China, Japan and Korea cared about their appearance (外表), while only 33.4% of the American students did so. The survey also found that most Chinese and American students were happy, but in Japan and Korea, not so many  students were happy.

Result 2

The survey showed that 73.7% of the Chinese students paid much attention to socia l (社会的) problems. Fewer students in the other three countries did so.

Result 3

The survey also showed that more Chinese students had a positive attitude towards life and worked hard to succeed than those in the other three countries.

Result 4

Korean students were the most independent (独立的). Most of them wanted to make their own decisions about life. Only 72.4% of the students in China thought so. And it was the lowest in the four countries.


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