


学习可以这样来看,它是一个潜移默化、厚积薄发的过程。威廉希尔app 编辑了九年级英语Unit6练习题有答案,希望对您有所帮助!


(   ) 1. It’s polite _________ you to ________”Thank you” when you get help from others.

A. of; speak      B. of; say     C. for; speak    D. for; say

(   ) 2. The computers made in China are much cheaper than ________ made in America.

A. that           B. ones      C. those        D. one

(   ) 3.The old people must be looked after well and ____ politely.

A. speak to   B. spoken    C. spoke to   D. spoken to

(   ) 4. — Why not go to see the fashion show with me?   — Because I _________ it.

A. saw     ,     B. will see       C. see        D. have seen

(   ) 5. _______, the suspect is talking to someone. _____ him and I’ll _______to call the police.

A. Look; Watch; go   B. Watch; Look; come  C. See; Watch; go   D. Look; See; come

(   ) 6. It’s _________ that his father is a kidnapper.

A. highly possible   B. possibly     C. probably   D. high possible

(   ) 7. They played carelessly. _________, they lost the game.

A. As a result of   B. At the end     C. As a result    D. To the end

(   ) 8.Though he had a criminal record, you shouldn’t _________ him.

A. look down on   B. look for      C. look up on    D. look after

(   ) 9. How terrible the accident was! The man was hit _______and ________.

A. by car; bled dead       B. by a car; bled to death

C. by car; bled to death    D. by a car; bled dead

(   ) 10. — Shall we go swimming after school?  — ________. I have a lot of homework to do.

A. I agree with you   B.I think so   C. I’m afraid I can’t  D. All right

(   ) 11.If someone is wanted by the police, it means he___________.

A. did something good     B. helped other people

C. did something wrong    D. earned a lot of money

(   ) 12. It’s noisy in the cinema. I can’t _________.

A. hear something  B. listen something   C. listen to anything   D. hear anything

(   ) 13. It’s rainy today. Mother tells me __________ an umbrella with me.

A. to bring        B. take       C. bring        D. to take

(   ) 14. He spoke so quickly that I didn’t _________ what he said.

A. listen          B. miss         C. catch        D. receive

(   ) 15. — Which of these two skirts will you take?

— I will take ________. They look nearly the same, and I just need one.

A. both          B. all           C. none        D. either

(   ) 16. — Ann, can you come to my birthday party tonight?   — ________. I’ll come on time.

A. Yes, please    B. Sure, I’d love to  C. Sorry, I can’t  D. No, hanks

(   ) 17. — Dad, do I need to bring a raincoat with me?  —I’m afraid you_________

A. will have to        B. needn’t     C. can     D. need

(   ) 18. Daniel is sure ________ out the secret. You can be sure ________ that.

A. about finding; about    B. that he’ll find; for   C. of finding; of       D. to find; of

(   ) 19. I didn’t know which book was better, so I took them _________.

A. both           B. all        C. each     D. none

(   ) 20. Lucy is really __________ and _________ than Lily.

A. funny; much outgoing  B. funnier; most outgoing

C. funny; much outgoing  D. funnier; more outgoing

(   ) 21. Millie is an __________ girl. She often________ jokes.

A. interesting; speaks   B. interested; tells  C. interested; speaks    D. interesting; tells

(   ) 22. He went to the Guan’s house__________ the morning of 28th December, but __________ the evening he was at his sister’s wedding.

A. in; in         B. on; in       C. in; on       D. in; at

(   ) 23. A policeman told him that a shop ___________.

A. had robbed  B. had stolen   C. had been robbed    D. had been stolen

(   ) 24. I _________ that the victim was arrested before.

A. heard         B. heard of      C. listened    D. listened to

(   ) 25. Anyone _________ information should ________ the police on 5551212.

A. with; contact    B. with; contact with   C. has; call      D. have; call


1. My necklace is not the only thing that is ________________( miss ).

2. A witness saw a man ______________ ( run ) quickly out of the Sunshine Shopping Mall just now.

3. The police ________________( have ) three suspects now. One is a ______________ ( cook ) , the other two are _________________( salesman ) .

4. He was charged with _________________ ( break ) into several computer systems.

5. Was the man _______________( real ) at his sister’s wedding that day?

6. The little girl was last seen _________________ ( leave ) home at about 7:00 p.m.

7. Today is an _______________ ( usual ) day, because he won a great prize.

8. When she went to feed Polly, it _________________( disappear ).

9. This __________________ ( rob ) happened at 3 o’clock in the afternoon on Tuesday.

10. I think _________________( complain ) too often isn’t a good thing.

11. We knew who the _________________( murder ) was after the police solved the case.

12.The old man was the first man ________________ ( call ) the police after the accident.

13. So far, two witnesses ________( prove ) that Mr Li was not at the scene of the crime at that time.

14. Does the first suspect have a _________________ ( crime) record?

15.If I were a _________( million ) , I would help the _________ ( need ) children in poor countries.

16.The young man isn’t a ________________ ( rob ) , I’m sure he’s not ______________( guilt ).

17. No one except Millie and David _______________ ( have ) been to China before.

18. They saw the suspect _________________( stand ) in the doorway of the shop.

19.This street may be very dangerous, ____________________( especial ) at night.

20.Detective Lu said that he _________________( put ) up a drawing of the suspect the next day.

21.We’ll want to know if the victim has any __________________( enemy ).

22. On _____________ ( child ) Day , children_______________ ( dress ) in beautiful clothes.

23.The _________________( die ) of the dog made the family very sad.

24.Be careful! There may be some ________________ ( thief ) on the bus.

25. I think it’s ________________( high ) possible that he is guilty.


Several years ago I studied in a university in the biggest city in our country. It’s beautiful but it’s hot in __1__. So I usually returned to my hometown when my __2__ began. It is not big, but it’s cool and quiet. I could __3__ in the daytime and have a good sleep at night.

One day I had some __4__ to solve. But I didn’t take the dictionaries home. My father told me Charlie, one of my __5__, had a good library. I went to his house at once. We didn’t see each other after I __6__ middle school. At first he didn’t recognize me. He __7__ me up and down. And then he called out, “Oh, dear! It’s you, Fred!”

Of course we were __8__ to meet each other again and talked a lot about our schoolmates and __9__. Later on he showed me around his library. It wasn’t big but there were a lot of nice books in it. And the dictionaries I __10__ were in them too. At last I said, “__11__ you lend some dictionaries to me, please?”

“I’m sorry I don’t lend any books to __12__,” said the young man.

“Are you afraid I’ll __13__ them?”

“No, I’m not. I’m afraid you won’t __14__ them to me. Look! All the books are not __15__, but borrowed!”

(    )1. A. spring   B. summer C. autumn D. winter

(    )2. A. birthday B. Saturday C. Sunday D. holiday

(    )3. A. study  B. play  C. rest  D. run

(    )4. A. words  B. sentences C. problems D. stories

(    )5. A. brothers B. sisters  C. aunts  D. classmates

(    )6. A. finished B. heard  C. saw  D. met

(    )7. A. lifted  B. carried  C. looked  D. pulled

(    )8. A. angry  B. happy  C. worried D. sad

(    )9. A. doctors  B. teachers C. workers D. drivers

(    )10.A. looked for B. read  C. wrote  D. looked at

(    )11.A. Need  B. Must  C. May  D. Can

(    )12.A. other  B. the other C. others  D. another

(    )13.A. lose  B. sell  C. throw  D. know

(    )14.A. pay  B. return  C. use  D. look after

(    )15.A. made  B. picked  C. won  D. bought


A foolish man went to a butcher's (屠夫) shop to buy a piece of meat.As he did not know how to cook meat, he asked the butcher to tell  him the way of cooking it. The butcher told him how to cook it. "But I  cannot remember your words," the foolish man said, "Would you please write them down for me?" The butcher was kind enough to write them  down for him. The man went home happily with a piece of meat in his  hand and the note in his pocket. A dog followed him on the way. It  jumped at him, took the meat away from him and ran off. The foolish

man stood there not knowing what to do. Then he laughed and said,  "Never mind. You don't know how to eat it. The note is still in my  pocket."

(    )1. A foolish man went to a butcher's shop ______.

A. to buy a meat                B. for a piece of meat

C. to cook a piece of meat    D. to send a piece of meat

(    )2. The butcher told the foolish man how to ______.

A. buy meat    B. eat meat    C. cook meat    D. get meat

(    )3. A dog took ______ away from the foolish man.

A. the meat    B. the note    C. the pocket    D. the hand

(    )4. The dog really didn't know how to eat meat, did it? ______.

A. Yes, it doesn't    B. No, it did         C. No, it doesn't     D. Yes, it did

(    )5. At last the note was still ______.

A. in his hand    B. in his pocket   C. in his room    D. in the butcher's shop

Unit 6



1. missing    2. running   3. have, cook, salesmen    4. breaking   5. really

6. leaving    7. unusual    8. had disappeared   9. robbery   10. to complain

11. murderer  12. to call    13. have proved    14. criminal  15. millionaire, needy

16. robber, guilty   17. has    18. standing     19. especially    20. would put

21. enemies   22. Children’s, are dressed  23. death   24. thieves  25. highly








4.C。solve problems意为“解决问题”。


6.A。finish middle school表示“中学毕业”。

7.C。look sb. up and down表示“上下打量某人”,这时look用作及物动词。









四、阅读理解:B C A D B





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