


一)1-5 ACBAB

(二)6-8 CBA

(三)9-14 BBCBCC

(四)15-17 CCB 18-20 CBB

(五)21. football 22. Friday 23. strong 24. first half 25. left leg

26-30 ABAB C 31-35 BDC AD

36-40DCDDD 41-45ACBDC

46-50 DDCDD 51-55CDABB

56. diary 57. sailing 58. relatives 59. surfing 60. sheep 61. away

62. central 63. height 64. magic 65. behind 66-70 BAEFC


72. Read messages from various people who have different interests.

73. Because you can look up people or places that aren’t familiar, makes your vocabulary much larger and stretch your brain. (答对任意两点即正确)

74. Seven. / 7. / There are seven steps (towards a smarter brain are mentioned in the passage).

75. Steps towards a smarter brain / How to be smarter / How to be cleverer / Steps towards a cleverer brain.

七、Last year, I, with my parents, went to Huaguo Mountain which is famous in China. We had a great time there. And we took lots of photos. The photo which I like best shows the water of Water Curtain Cave. It was taken by my father. The water was very clean and beautiful. We can even go into the cave. That’s so interesting. The weather was very hot, so you can see some visitors sit beside his cave to enjoy the cool. That’s the most nicest trip I will never forget.


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