


第二部分 基础知识运用(共两节,满分25分)



21.You can improve your English practicing more.

A. by B. with C. of D. in

22.When you meet a new word, you can in a dictionary.

A. look it up B. look it on C. look it over D .look it through

23.Jenny found it very easy English well.

A. learning B. to learn C. learn D. learned

24.—What about going out for a picnic this afternoon?

—Well, it all the weather.

A. belongs to B. happened to C. depends on D. pays attention to

25.I don’t think should be allowed to drive.

A.sixteen-year-old B.sixteen-years-old

C.sixteen-years-olds D.sixteen-year-olds

26.I’ve five pounds because I ate too much meat.

A.put up B.put off C.put away D.put on

27.Pens are used for on paper.

A.write B.writing C.to write D.wrote

28.My mother told me that my homework must on time.

A.finish B.be finish C.be finshed D.finished

29.Sometimes our hobbies can our study.

A.get in the way of B.get into C.get out of D.get on

30.This book__________ Tom’s. Look! His name is on the book cover.

A. mustn’t be B. may be

C. can’t be D. must bew w w .x k b 1.c o m

第二节: 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)



I’m worried about my son. He’s a young man of 20, but he 31 40. He gets a lot of sleep but he’s always 32 . He doesn't have a job and he doesn't go to school. He doesn't play any sports, because he is usually too tired and he’s too fat. He’s only 1.65 meters 33 , but he weighs 130 kilograms. He 34 eating, especially candy and cake. And he also likes drinking soda. He eats a little 35 , but not too much, because he doesn't like meat. He doesn't drink milk, and he usually doesn't eat fruit or vegetables. What should he do to feel better? I need help.

( )31.A. turns B. looks C. comes

( )32 A. tired B. excited C. surprised

( )33 A.. long B. high C. tall

( )34 A. hates B. refuses C. likes

( )35.A. vegetables B. cakes C. meat


In America, the school day usually starts at 9 am and finishes at about 4 pm. The school subjects 36 different from ours. I n China, we always 37 Chinese, math, English, P. E. and so on. But in America, students have more 38 , such as cooking and driving lessons. Their school life isn’t just 39 study. They have 40 things to do than the Chinese students do. There are many clubs in American schools, too. If the students are 41 in sports, they can join different sports clubs. American students also have art clubs, language clubs and some 42 clubs. From 2:30 pm to 4 pm, they do 43 things in different clubs.

Maybe you think English is very poor in the world, so American students don’t need to learn any other language. 44 that’s not true. American children form the age of seven 45 learn a foreign language. For example, they learn French or Chinese

36. A. is B. are C. were

37. A. have B. think C. had

38. A. clubs B. sports C. lessons

39. A. about B. over C. down



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