In Ghana, bikes are very popular. Few people have money to buy a car. And people like to use bikes to carry most of the country’s food and other goods.
The people of Ghana are also too poor and they can’t build factories to make traditional steel bikes. But making bamboo bikes is cheap. Odlin is planning to show the Ghanaian workers how to quickly make bamboo bikes now. He hopes that more and more Ghanaian people can have bamboo bikes.
( )31. Where can we learn how to make a bamboo bike?
A. At tha Bamboo Bike Studio in America.
B. In normal factories in China.
C. On farms in Australia.
D. At schools in New York.
( )32. Why are bikes very popular in Ghana?
A. Because Ghanaian people don’t like cars.
B. Because most Ghanaian people are very rich.
C. Because Ghanaian people have to use bikes to carry food and goods.
D. Because a bike is cheaper and people like to use bikes to carry things.
( )33. The best title of the passage may be “ ”
A. Bamboo Bikes B. Odlin Likes Traditional Bikes
C. How to Make a Bamboo Bike D. Bamboo Bike Studio
Working on a team is a good thing. But it can bring you some troubles. If people on your team are not good at communicating, you may often feel terrible. To create a successful team, good communication is the most necessary part for both team members and the leader. The following are some helpful suggestions.
Don’t criticize other people. When someone on your team does something wrong, don’t criticize him. You can help him to find out reasons and then help him to solve the problem. Criticizing your team members too often may make them keep away from you. As a result, you may feel lonely.
Think about other people’s ideas carefully. When someone tells you about his ideas, you should think about them carefully, no matter how silly they may seem. This shows you are interested in his ideas and makes him feel good.
Listen to other people actively. When someone is speaking to you, you need to listen to him actively. If you’re unclear about something, you should ask him about it. By doing this you can clear up any confusion(困惑) before moving on.
Share your ideas with other people. When you have a new idea, talk about it with your team members. This helps to improve the idea. Besides this, it also helps to improve your relationships between you and your team members.
( )34. For team members and the leader, is the most necessary part to create a successful team.
A. communicating well B. dealing with criticism
C. sharing ideas D. listening to others
( )35. If you criticize your team members too often, they will .
A. feel lonely B. keep away from you
C. be afraid of you D. correct their m istakes
( )36. If Lisa tells you about her idea, but you think her idea is foolish, you should .
A. get angry and criticize her
B. think about her idea carefully
C. explain to her why her idea is silly
D. forget her silly idea and laugh at her
( )37. The best title of the passage may be “ ”.
A. Criticize Others or Not B. Share Ideas With Others
C. Learn to Listen to Others D. Work Well on a Team
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