


A. What a pity! B. It doesn’t matter.

C. I’m sorry to hear that. D. Don’t worry.


“How can I learn English well?” “This is a (46) many students may ask.But I think the most effective(有效的)(47) is to learn lessons by heart. If you can recite and write out the text,you’ll learn it very well.And if you can tell (48) your own words about what the lessons say, you are a very successful (49) indeed.Your English will be quite perfect.However,if you try to learn by heart only part of each lesson, you’ll find it not so hard as you might have thought.

Learn this way,and you’ll (50) fast progress. Of course writing also helps you a lot on your way to (51) in English study.It’s also important to feel the language. You should laugh at the English jokes and be (52) at the bad news.When you use English, try to (53) your mother language. (54) helping you, your own language gets in your way. So, never try to learn English by (55) every words into Chinese.

( )46. A.problem B.trouble C.question D.answer

( )47. A.time B.way C.road D.place

( )48. A.with B.by C.of D.in

( )49. A.learner B.runner C.farmer D.worker

( )50. A.do B.make C.learn D.develop

( )51.A.success B.challenge C.difference D.importance

( )52. A.happy B.happily C.sad D.sadly

( )53. A.leave B. forget C.remember D.realize

( )54. A.Instead of B.Instead C.Besides D.But

( )55. A.translate B. translated C. to translate D.translating



Xiangyu Middle School

We are a bilingual school(双语学校) for children of 6—15.We want a cook,a library assistant, a sports coach(教练) and a language teacher.

Job Age Language Skill(技能) Other term

cook 25--40 Chinese can cook Chinese and western food Healthy

Library assistant 20--35 Chinese,

English have knowledge from kinds of books Careful

Sports coach 20--40 Chinese,

English Major in P.E Healthy and strong

teacher -

- Chinese,

English Major in(主修) English


( )56.Who can’t go to Xiangyu Middle School in the following?

A.A 4-year-old boy B.A 10-year-old girl

C.An 11-year-old child D.A 15-year-old boy

( )57.Who is not wanted by Xiangyu Middle School?

A.A cook B.A headmaster(校长)

C.A library assistant D.A sports coach

( )58.Jack can’t speak English, he may work in the school as a ____ at most(最多).

A.language teacher B.library assistant C.cook D.sports coach

( )59.The coach must major in ________.

A. Chinese B. English C.P.E. D.Language

( )60.Which is not necessary(必要的) as a cook?

A. Age between 25—40 B. He can cook western food



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