



一. 1-5 CBDAC 6-10 BDCAB 11-15 CADBC

二. 1-5 BDABC 6-10ABCBD

三. 1-5 TFTFF 6-10 BCADB 11-15 CCBBC

四. 1. Why (do you have to go by train)

2. Is it far

3. Do you have to get up early every morning

4. How long does it take you to get to your company【0:4】

5. Do you get home late

五. 1. silent 2. European 3. introduction 4. influencing 5. helpful

六. 1. didn’t use 2. are proud of 3. no longer 4. What is 5. How did

七. 1. record 2. songs 3. nervous 4. But 5. felt

6. celebrated 7. finished 8. hardly 9. appeared 10. voice

八. One possible version:

Denise is our new foreign teacher. She has changed a lot in the past five years.

Five years ago, she was heavy and had long curly hair. But now she is thin and has short straight hair. As for her personality, she used to be quiet and didn’t like talking. However, she is active and humorous now. She often makes us laugh in class. Denise used to listen to music, but now she spends much of her free time traveling all over the world. She says it’s exciting. In the past, she often ate fast food. Now, she loves to cook at home on her own. She thinks it’s relaxing.04

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