为了帮助大家在考前对知识点有更深的掌握,威廉希尔app 初中频道为大家整理了初三英语试卷,希望对大家有所帮助。
( )26. I read very slowly.I can't spell some English words , A. too B.as well C.either D.also
( ) 27.the help of the teacher, he became a good student. A.Under B. On C.With D. To
( )28.—Are you afraid ofat home,Linda ? 一No.I’ve grown up. A. alone B.being alone C.1onely D.being lonely
( )29. I got an A this term,so my teacher was A. impressed B.impressing C.impress D.to impress
( )30. I won't take part in the partyJoe invites me. A. if B. when C.unless D. because
( )31.Teachers should deal fairly(公平地)
their students A.with B. to C.in D. out
( )32.No one likes him _______. A. still B. never C. anymore D. too
( )33. We still couldn’t decide ______ with our difficulties in learning English. A.how to do B.how to deal C.what to deal D.what to solve ( )34. Where _______ live before you came here? A. did you used to B. did you use to C. use he to D. he used to
( )34.She said that the teacher
her a lot. A. help B.helps C.helped D.to help
( )35, 一What did your friend use to___ . 一short and fat A look B look like C like D be like
( )36. It took us three hours
the difficult work. A. finish B. finishing C. to finish D. finished
( )37. 一I hear your teacher ______ to Japan once. 一Yes, he _______ there last year. A. goes, went B. has been, has been C. went, has been D. has been, went
( )38. 一 He has never spoken to a foreigner. 一 ________. A. So has his brother B. So his brother does C. Neither has his brother D. Neither does his brother
( )39. They put the presents in ____ bags. A. each other B. each others’ C. each other’s D. each others
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