



Every day in China, about 200 million children go to school. Many of them take school buses. What should we do to keep these students safe on the road?

On April 5, the State Council (国务院) published new rules about school bus safety. These new rules are stricter than the old ones.

Under the new rules, local governments must make sure that students go to nearby schools or boarding (寄宿的) schools to reduce traffic risks. Also, local governments must help kids in the countryside reach their school buses.

From now on, school buses have a speed limit (限制) of 80 km/h on highways and 60km/h on normal roads. While on the road, other cars must let school buses go first.

The new rules also say that school buses must never be overloaded (超载的).

There are many other rule s as well. A school bus must have more than seven seats. On each bus, there must be at least one adult to keep an eye on the kids. Each school bus must have a fire extinguisher (灭火器), a first aid kit (急救箱) and a GPS.

Last year, a series of school bus accidents happened in China. To stop such accidents, the Central Government decided to strengthen (加强) the rules for school buses.

The most serious accident happened in Gansu in November, when a nine-seat minibus crashed (碰撞). There were 62 children inside, and 21 of them died.

(    ) 42. What did the State Council publish on April 5?

A. New rules about school bus safety.

B. New rules about students’ safety.

C. New rules about students’ home.

D. New rules about class.

(    ) 43. Under the new rules, which of the following is NOT tru e?

A. School buses can go first when there are other cars.

B. School buses must drive 80 km/h or less on highways.

C. School buses must drive 50 km/h or less on normal roads.

D. School buses must have at least one adult to look after the kids.

(    ) 44. According to the new rules, a school bus must have the following EXCEPT _______.

A. a GPS

B. more than seven seats

C. a parents of one of the students

D. a fire extinguisher and a first aid kit

(    ) 45. According to the passage, the government made new rules because __________.

A. 21 students died in school bus accidents last year

B. school buses in China were not safe enough before

C. 200 million children in China go to school by bus every day

D. the government encourages all students to take school buses



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