



own /  clean up /   keep up /  regret /   strict /   hug

71. It’s common to  71  when people meet in the US.

72. Please  72  the classroom. It’s a real mess everywhere.

73. I don’t think kids should be allowed to choose them  73  clothes.

74. I think students should have  74  rules at school.

75. All of you will  75  for such a stupid decision.


Once a big horse and a small donkey were traveling together, carrying all kinds of  things on their backs for their owner. The big horse was very strong but  he carried as heavy as the small donkey.

The donkey was able to keep up with the big horse in the b 76. But after a w 77 , he donkey began to feel too tired  to keep up any more. So the donkey asked the horse, “Brother Horse, could you please help me? I am a  78   I  can’t go on carrying as heavy as you can.”

“No, you carry yours. I carry mine. It is not my p  79   that you are not as big and strong as me,” answered the horse, feeling very  p  80   that he was stronger.

Not long after that, the donkey finally f  81   down to the ground and died.

Their owner m  82   what the d onkey carried  onto the back of the horse. Having to  carry the double load(负荷物) for the r  83   of the journey, the horse now knew he should have h  84   the donkey out. That way at l  85   the donkey could carry something. The horse was sorry for being too selfish, but it was too late.

76.b______   77.w______   78.a______   79.p_______   80.p________

81.f_______   82.m______   83.r______   84.h_______    85.l_______


假如你是Li Ming,本周末班里举行英语角活动,用英语讨论游泳安全问题。请你用英语写一篇简单发言稿。要点如下:








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