


VI. 翻译句子(每句2分,共20分)

71. are too hard on    72. feel left out

73. She just wants/ed to live/have/lead a quiet life

74. Your hair is long. Go and get your hair cut/get someone to cut your hair

75. The number of people        76. turned into

77. It’s said that 13/thirteen is an unlucky number

78. I decided to talk to him in person

79. questioned him for three hours, letting him go/leave

80. I can’t tell/I don’t know whether (or not)/if the teacher likes me

VII. 书面表达(共20分)


In recent years, some parents always send their children to all kinds of training classes during their holiday to make them study better. As a student, I think this may bring some problems.

First, parents spend lots of money on these classes, but many students feel bored because that’s not what they want to learn. Second, a lot of time is wasted. It is not only bad for children’s study, but also gives them too much pressure. Third, it probably makes them hate studying. And it may be easy for some children to get into the bad habit of running away from school.

I think we should be given some time to relax and do some things that we want to do, such as playing basketball, football and computer games.

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