



Ma Xiaoxu is nineteen years old. When she plays football, you almost forget she’s a girl! She’s fast and strong like a man! She never misses a chance. Because of her style, she’s called the “woman Rooney”. Ma was born in Dalian, and has always been boyish. She was never interested in dolls. She fell in love with football the first time she played it. People say she has a hot temper like Rooney. But Ma has her own view. “I know I have a strong personality, but I do not get angry as easily as Rooney. I just do what I think is right.”

Ma has two goals: to win the World Cup, and to be the best striker.

一、1---5 A A C C B        二、6---10 A C B B A

三、1----5 CACAD   6---10 CBDDA   11---15 DBCDB

四、1---5 BDBAB   6---10 ACACC   11---15 BABCA

五、1—3 ADB

六、1.sweetest 2.cooking  3.children  4.classmates’   5.nearly

6.health  7.completely / fully  8.afraid  9.gentlely / softly   10.whether

七、A   1. I played chess with my best friend Jack on Monday afternoon.

2. I rode my bike to school from Monday to Friday.

3. I chatted with my father on QQ on Wednesday because he worked in Shanghai.

4. I visited my grandmother with my mother on Saturday morning.

5. I often helped my mother do the housework last week.

B                        How To Keep Healthy

As we know, health is the most important to everyone. But how to keep healthy?

A lot of students enjoy themselves at KFC. They like eating the food there because it tastes good. Many adults love drinking and smoking because they want to relax. However, these people don’t think much about their health. Too much junk food, wine and cigarettes are very bad for our health. If you want to keep health, you should eat more fresh fruit and vegetables. When you are free, you should also take more exercise. Now let’s stay away from those bad habits.

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