


(    )3. What do you learn from the passage?

A. We should play tennis when we are young if we want to be a good tennis player.

B. Jankovic grows up on her own.

C. People who want to be good at tennis must go to the United States.

D. Good conditions and enough practice are the most important.


My mother is the best mother in the world, My mother’s voice is the    1   (甜的) voice in the world.

Every day when I get back home from school, I see my mother    2   (做饭)in the kitchen tiredly and happily. I really want to give her a hug.

Mother often said, “Parents don’t want a return from their    3   (孩子). The only thing they hope to see is their kids have a happy life.”

My mother is different from my    4     (同班同学)mothers. When she gave birth to me, she was    5   (将近)42 years old. When I become a university student, my mother will be 60 year old.

My mother has been in poor    6    (健康)for a long time. She suffers from a serious illness. Maybe she will never    7   (完全)recover (病愈). But she still works hard for me every day. I want to help her but I don’t know what I can do or how to start. Each time my mother can’t get up from her sickbed, I feel    8   (害怕)and don’t want to go to school. But my mother always says to me    9   (轻柔地). “ You must go to school. I can look after myself. ”

Hearing this, I wonder    10    (是否)I am not a good son or not. The only thing I can do is to give her a warm hug after school.

七、写作 20分)


play, ride, chat, visit, help

1.                              2.

3.                              4.


B. 请根据以下四幅图片的提示,并结合自己的生活经历谈一谈怎样才能保持健康。字数80个左右。作文开头已给出,但不记入总字数。(15分)

A                B                C              D



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