


(    )12. We have never seen ___   __ good a car ___   __ this.

A. as, as         B. so, as              C. such, that       D. so, that

(    )13. ___   __ of them is a farm worker.

A. Both         B. All         C. Neither        D. Some

(    )14. It ___   __ us five hours to work out the problem.

A. cost        B. spent           C. paid           D. took

(    )15. Learning how to make your requests sound ___________ very important in asking for information.

A. polite are             B. polite is    C. politely are D. politely is

四、完形填空 15分)

Step Away from the Screen!

Every afternoon hundreds of thousands of youths flood Internet bars, concentrate   16   a game, or sit down to enjoy themselves in   17    worlds. I'm talking about video games    18    Counter Strike, Diablo, Smash Brothers or Halo. These games can be fun and exciting,    19    we need to watch out for when this pastime becomes an addiction(沉溺).

Games are not    20   . Games are often very exciting, but they generally aren't very intellectual (益智的). We don't learn    21    much from them as we read a book. And   22    too much time playing them can take away from our study time. We need to remember that we are students first.    23   should ever get in the way of proper studying.    Video games can   24    be a bad influence on younger children. Many video games are violent(暴力的)and the aim in most of them is to kill the other    25   . This does not send the right message to the children who need to be told that violence is not right and need to   26    how to be friendly and kind. Even if we do decide ourselves to sit down and play a violent video game, we need to    27   that it is not influencing the younger people around us.

Playing a computer game in our spare time is not a   28    thing. Games can be a great way to relax after studying, to connect to our friends, or just to    29   our creativity (创造力). However, games should not become the major of our life. We need to make sure that playing games never bothers our studies and that we aren’t thinking about them all day. If we ever find ourselves playing them  30   , we need to break the addiction. If that happens, we need to stay

away from the computer or television screen and learn to spend our time on something useful.

(    )1.A in

B. on

C. into

D. by

(    )2.A.boring

B. interested

C. frustrating

D. fascinating

(    )3.A.as

B. like

C. such

D. for



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