


(   ) 15. ---Can you tell me ______?

---By doing more speaking.

A. how I will improve my English   B. which way can I choose

C. how do I deal with my English   D. what’s wrong with my English


请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。   Have you ever had problems in your life and didn't know how to be happy? If so, you will find the book ' Being a Happy Teenager '   16   . In the book, the writer, Andrew Matthews, tells us how to    17    a happy life and he also answers the questions of teenagers.

The book deals with many subjects, such as problems with parents,  friends or teachers. The book says we should stop   18   with others and learn to forgive. The book teaches us some skills. For example, you can turn    19   you have learned into pictures to make your memory better.

Many teenagers think that happiness comes from a good exam result or praise (表扬) from other people. But you can still be happy    20       there are no such 'good ' things.

Success comes from a   21    attitude( 态度) . If you can learn from problems, you will have success in the future.

Some school students have such problems as being too tall   22   too short. But Matthews says that happiness comes from thinking in a positive( 积极的)   23   . If you are tall,  maybe you will be a basketball  24   ; if you are short,  your clothes and shoes take  25   room(空间) in your bedroom! This is Matthews' most important lesson: you choose to be happy!

(    )16. A. useful         B. useless     C. harmful          D. unhelpful

(    )17. A. like           B. meet       C. mark            D. live

(    )18. A. being happy    B. to be angry  C. being angry       D. to be unhappy

(    )19. A. which         B. what       C. how             D. why

(    ) 20. A. before        B. even though  C. until            D. that

(    )21. A. good          B. bad         C. poor            D. boring

(    ) 22. A. but           B. and         C. so              D. or

(    )23. A. road           B. way        C. class            D. idea

(    )24. A. worker         B. actor       C. player           D. singer

(    )25. A. less           B. more        C. most           D. much



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