



1-5 AAADB   6-10 CDCAB

11. activities   12. smaller     13. other    14. of     15. to answer

16 on         17.lstening     18 hear     19 us     20.learned / learnt


1-5 ACBBD    6-10 BCDDC   11-15 ADCBB      16—20 D C D A C

21. Because Ayumi's mother was always at work

22. She was the only one that failed.

23. Because she thought she wasn't good at singing.

24. A Song for X X              25.In 1998.

26. It was difficult / hard for them to eat or drink.    27. so that

28. 那些已经能够展开笑容的(已治愈的)孩子会向你致以谢意。

29. They worried that they could not go on with the work because they were lack of money.

30. Operation Smile.


A.1 others  2. favorite  3. own  4. when(ever)  5. every

6 changed   7. reason   8. in     9 read  10.from


Dear Mr Gao,

My name is Li Hua. I'm a student from Class 2, Grade 3. I'd like to be a member of the Helping Hands Club. As a student, I work hard at my lessons. I am good at English and do well in both speaking and listening. Beside s, I am easy to get along with and enjoy helping others. On my way home I often help the people who are in trouble. When I see old people or children cross the street, I usually help them. If I join the club, I will do more for others. I'll be glad if I am received. I am looking forward to getting your reply.


Li Hua

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