


41.A.tell     B.read         C.write            D.speak

42.A.listen to     B.listen         C.hear of         D.hear

43.A.take exams B.talk with     C.talk about        D.tell to

44.A.look like  B.worry about  C.take care of     D.look after

45.A.places  B.questions     C.chances        D.changes

46.A.video  B.foreigner     C.film            D.people

47.A.again  B.instead       C.only            D.instead of

48.A.interests  B.improves     C.allows         D.troubles

49.A.exams     B.looking on  C.making mistakes    D.books

50.A.an      B.the       C./  D.a

(B) 阅读短文, 在空白处填上一个适当的词,使短文在意义上和结构上完整,将答案写在答题纸上。(共5分)

One day, Kidom and his friend Dick went to the river fishing. Kidom took his dog Vick with him. But now and then, when the dog saw a small animal or a bird, he would run__51__ it and try to catch it. Dick hated the dog very much because the dog frightened the fish away. "Why do you _52__ your dog here?" said Dick to Kidom. "he __53__ here and there. All the fish are frightened and swim __54__ ." "You are right." answered Kidom. "Next time, I shall come without Vick. Shall we go home now, Dick?" Just then Dick shouted, "Wait. A_55__ is biting (咬)my line. I can feel it." Dick was very glad. He forgot the danger. He went to pull the line. The boy fell down into the water. "Help! Help! I can't swiim." Dick shouted, up and down in the water .

But Kidom could not swim, either. Just then Vick came up. The dog jumped into the water and pulled Dick onto the dry land by biting 's shirt with his teeth. Dick was saved. He was still holding the line in his hand. On its end was a big fish.

51__________ 52__________ 53.__________ 54._________  55.___________

(C) 根据短文内容,从方框中选择适当的词,并用其正确形式填空,使短文完整、正确。(每个词只能用一次,有两个多余的词;共10分,每小题1分)

up  take  walk  make  early  on  time wait  of  ride  late  off

I've never been __56__ for school,but yesterday I came very close. My alarm clock didn't go __57__ and by the time I woke __58__, my father had already gone into the bathroom and I had to __59__ for him to come out. I had to really rush.  I __60__ a quick shower, had some breakfast, and then ran off to the bus stop. Unfortunately, by the __61__ I got there, the bus had already left. I started __62__, but I knew I couldn't get to school __63__ time. Luckily , my friend Tony and his dad came by in his dad's car and they gave me a __64__. When I got to school, the final bell was ringing. I only __65__ it to my class.



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