


B. She felt afraid of the snakes.

C. She wasn’t afraid of the snakes.

19.  When did the story take place?

A. On a winter afternoon.   B. On an autumn morning. C. On a winter morning.

20.  What can we learn from the story?

A. Snakes never eat mice.

B. Snakes usually sleep in winter.

C. Mice like to live next to snakes.



21.        Browns were happy to see       policeman who saved their cat.

A. The, the       B. A, the         C. The, a      D. /, a

22.  A woman was found       in her house this morning. The police said she was attacked with

a knife and bled to      .

A. dead, death     B. death, dead      C. dead, dead         D. death, death

23.  My sister and I often argue        what TV programmes      .

A. about, watching  B. with, to watch     C. about, to watch   D. with ,watching

24.  The robber said that       who moved would be killed.

A. somebody  B. everybody  C. anybody   D. nobody



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