




Information Form

Mary’s   1    holiday

Morning   2  with her parents;

Doing homework for   3   .

Afternoon   Going to the   4   class.

Evening   Walking her dog;  5   at 8:30 pm

(   ) 11. A. spring         B. summer         C. winter

(   ) 12. A. Talking        B. Doing sports   C. Cleaning the room

(   ) 13. A. 3 hours        B. 2 hours        C. 1 hour

(   ) 14. A. piano          B. basketball     C. guitar

(   ) 15. A. Reading newspapers  B. Listening to music C. Watching TV

第二部分  笔 试 部 分(95分)

Ⅰ. 根据句意填空, 每空一词(5分)

21.  -What do you think "anxious" mean? -It means __          _.

22.  Zhu used to be shy, but now he is _         __.

23.  If you were more __        __ to people, you would have more friends,

24.  I don't like making speeches.  I feel __       _ talking in front of many people.

25.  What __       __ would you like to learn, English or French?


26.  You should be much __        __.  It's good for your health.  (health)

27.  Recently I listened a song ___       _ Heart Strings.  (call)

28.  He told me that he __       _ in that school for 10 years.  (teach)

29.  I've been __        __ (try) to cheer him up for 20 minutes.

30.  The telephone __         _ (invent) before the car.



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