




Did you know the following facts about water?

A.There is about the same amount of water on Earth now as there was millions of years ago.

B.Nearly 97 percent of all the world’s water is salty or otherwise undrinkable. Another 2 percent is ice. Then there only leaves 1 percent for all our needs.

C.Water regulates (调节) the Earth’s temperature. It also regulates the temperature of the human body!

D.More water is used in the bathroom than any other place in the home.

E.A dr ipping faucet (龙头) can waste up to 7,570 L of water a year.

Amazing? Then why not help to save water? You should know that whether at home or at school, you can do things like this to save water:

◆  Turn off the water in your bathroom while you brush your teeth.

◆  Take shorter showers.

◆  Don’t let the  water run constantly(不间断地)while you’re washing dishes.

◆  Fill a bottle with tap water and put it in the fridge, rather than running the water every time you want a cold drink!

◆  Repair dripping faucets.

(   )31. How much water on Earth can we use?

A. 1% of all the world’s water.      B. 2% of all the world’s water.

C. 97% of all the  world’s water.     D. 70% of all the world’s water.

(   )32. People use the most water ________ at home.

A. in the kitchen   B. in the bathroom  C. brushing teeth  D. washing dishes

(   )33. What does the writer try to tell us about?

A. What people can do to protect the environment.

B. Everybody must use less water.

C. The importance of water and how to save it. www.

D. What people have done to save water.


(   )34. If it is 8:00 a.m. in western Canada, the time is _______ in eastern Canada.

A. 12:00         B. 2:00 p.m.         C. 12:30 p.m.         D. 4:00 a.m.

(   )35. Which country will welcome Saturday first, Canada, Japan, UK or Egypt?

A. UK             B. Japan              C. Egypt             D. Canada

(   )36. Who needn’t go to work on Fridays?

A. Canadians.     B. Scots.             C. Japanese.          D. Egyptians.

(   )37. While Canadian children are waking up, children in Scotland are __________.

A. having lessons B. sleeping           C. watching TV        D. playing games



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