



Mr green is our neighbor. He is from England .He teaches English in a middle school. He speaks some Chinese, but not much. He goes to Chinese classes every week. He likes working in China very much. He says the Chinese people are very kind and the food is delicious. He visits many places of great interest . He has a nice time in China. His two children go to school here, too. But to a different school.


1-5CABAC      6-10 BBBCB   11-15 CCABA  16-20 BCACA

26-30 CDBBC  31-35 ABDAB    36-40 CCBAC   41-45 CCDAB

46-50 BDBCA   51-55 DBADC  56-60 BCDBA    61-65 BCADC

66-70 BCDBA    71 Hong Kong  72 friend  73 F   74 T  75这山望着那山高

76 useful   77 herself      78 easily  79 ninety    80 waiting for


… I have been back from England for nearly two weeks. I was so lucky that I had a chance to take part in the summer camp and live with your family. I enjoyed myself in your home. Thank you for taking good care of me. I really miss all of you.

I am sorry I left my father’s digital camera in your home. Would you please minding sending it to me?

As you know, China is a beautiful country. And there are many places of interest in Beijing, such as the Great Wall, the Summer Palace. I’d like to show you around.

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