


八、阅读短文, 根据短文内容回答问题。(共10分,每小题2分)

As everyone knows, the law in most countries nowadays demands (要求) that all children receive an education. However, do you know that a number of parents make special arrangements to educate their children at home? This happens mainly to the children who have serious health problems or learning difficulties, or are especially gifted (有天赋的).

Whatever the reason, there are certainly some advantages of educating children at home. First, they can learn at their own speed, spending more time on the subjects which they find difficult. Second, it is easier for them to pay attention since they don’t have the distraction (分心) of noisy classmates. Finally, they learn more in a one-to-one situation, as they get the full attention of the teacher.

On the other hand, learning at home is not without drawbacks. For one thing, children who do not go to school lack (缺乏) experience of making friends with other children. As a result, they do not learn the social skills needed in later life. Moreover, they are less motivated (激励) to work hard, because they have no one to compare their progress with and to compete against.

All things considered, I believe children should go to school. Education is not only a matter of learning facts — children also need to learn how to get along with others, and to develop their personalities. I feel they can only do this by mixing with other children in a school environment.

64. Do all children receive an education at school nowadays?

65. What kinds of children do parents educate at home?

66. How many advantages of educating children at home are mentioned?

67. How do children learn social skills at school?

68. What does the writer mainly tell us in the passage?




69. 为什么不给你的朋友买本书呢?

______________________________________ buy a book for your friend?

70. 这座塔以高度著称。

This tower ___________________________________________ its height.

71.  你的电脑怎么啦?

________________________________¬¬___________ with your computer?

72.  我小时候害怕一个人待在家里。

I _________________________ staying at home alone when I was a child.

73. 不让孩子们吃垃圾食品是非常有必要的。

___________________________________________________ junk food.

十、文段表达 (15分)


74. 学校的英语报就“争做校园环保小卫士”话题征文,请你投稿。谈谈你平时的具体做法、你的感受以及建议。

提示词语:environment , collect bottles, turn off, duty, make a real difference, should

____ __________________________

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