


•  American film (2004)

•  Directed by Alfonso Cuaron

•  Mainly acted by Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint. Emma Waston

•  From Friday to

Sunday, at 7 : 30 p. m. • Ticket Price: RMB¥30 (Half on Sun¬day for children) TROY

•  American film (2004)

•  Directed by Wolfgang Peters-en

•  Mainly acted by

Julian Glover, Brian  Cox, Nathan Jones, Adoni Maropis

•   From Tuesday to Thursday, at 8:  00 p. m.

•  Ticket Price:RMB¥45

46. You can see ________ foreign films in Feiyang Cinema this week.

A. one               B. two                C. three               D. four

47. If you want to see the film which was directed by Feng Xiaogang, go to the cinema on________.

A. Monday           B. Thursday            C. Friday              D. Saturday

48. Children can pay only _____ when they want to see a film on Sunday.

A. ¥5                B.  ¥10               C. ¥15                D.  ¥20

49. You can see the film ________ on Saturday.

A. Troy                               B. Harry Potter

C. A World Without Thieves              D.  Kungfu Hustle

50. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Liu Dehua acted in the film Kungfu Hustle.

B. The ticket price of the four films is the same.

C. All the films start after 8 o'clock in the evening.

D. The four films were released (发行) in the same year.



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