


三、完形填空  (本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)

At the beginning of this century, medical scientists made an interesting discovery(发现): we are built not just of flesh (肌肉) and blood but also of time. They were able to show that we all have a ‘body clock’   15   us, which controls the   16   and fall of our body energies. It can   17   us different from one day to the next.

The idea of a ‘body clock’ should not be too   18   because the lives of most living things are controlled by the 24-hour night-and-day cycle (循环). We feel   19   and fall asleep at night. We become   20   and energetic during the day. Most people will have a bad feeling if the 24-hour cycle is   21  . For example, people who are not used to working at night can find that lack (缺少) of sleep causes them to  22   badly at work.

23   the daily cycle of sleeping and waking, we also have other cycle which lasts longer than one day. Most of us would   24   that we feel good on some days and not so good on others; sometimes our ideas seem to be so active and at other times, they are not.

(    )15. A. beside   B. inside   C. outside    D. under

(    )16. A. life    B. offer    C. use     D. rise

(    )17. A. show    B. treat   C. make        D. change

(    )18 A. difficult   B. natural   C. surprising       D. frightening

(    )19. A. quiet    B. tired    C. comfortable   D. cheerful

(    )20. A. regular   B. serious   C. lively        D. clear

(    )21. A. disturbed   B. pushed   C. restarted    D. troubled

(    )22. A. perform   B. suffer    C. count        D. control

(    )23 A. With    B. As well as   C. Except    D. Rather than

(    )24. A. afford   B. admire   C. advise    D. agree

四、阅读理解   阅读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容选择最佳答案。



Frank Smithson woke up and got up to turn off the alarm clock(闹钟). “Oh no!” he thought to himself. “Another day at that office; a boss (老板) who shouts at me all the time.”

As Frank went downstairs, his eyes fell on a large brown envelope (信封) by the door. He was very happy when he opened it and read the letter inside. “Bigwoods Football Pools (足球赌博公司) would like to congratulate you. You have won half a million pounds(英镑).”

Frank suddenly came to life. The cigarette fell from his lips (唇) as he let out a shout that could be heard halfway down the street.

At 11:30 Frank arrived at work. “Please explain why you're so late,” his boss said. “Go and jump in the lake,” said Frank. “I've just come into a little money so this is good-bye. Find yourself someone else to shout at.”

That evening Frank was smoking a very expensive Havana cigar (雪茄) when a knock was heard on the door. He rushed to the door. Outside were two men, neatly dressed in grey suits. “Mr. Smithson,” one of them said, “we're from Bigwoods Pools. I'm afraid there's been a terrible mistake…”

(    25. What do we know about Frank from the passage?

A. He was a lazy man.           B. He was a lucky person.

C. He had made a lot of money.      D. He didn't get on well with his boss.

(    )26. When he heard the knock at the door, Frank probably thought _________.

A. someone had come to say sorry to him

B. someone had come to give him the money

C. his friends had come to ask about the football pools

D. his friends had come to congratulate him on his luck

(     )27. On hearing “…there's been a terrible mistake…”, Frank was most likely to be_____.

disappointed (失望的)   B. worried   C. grateful   D. curious



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