




One day Tom went out to look for work. He went from place to place,

61   could not find a job. In the afternoon, he came to a factory. He went into the office building and   62    the door of a big room. There he saw a fat man   63    at a desk.

"What do you want?" the man asked. "I am looking for work," answered Tom. "Any kind of work?" the man asked. "Any kind of work, please. I am strong, you see," Tom said.

The man looked at Tom for a long time and then he said, "We have got enough workers. We want no    64   . Get out."

Tom turned   65    . When he was going to the door, the fat man said, "Look, do you see the man over there?" He pointed to a man outside the window. "I give

66   five dollars a day. I will only give you four dollars a day. Do you want his job? He is getting old. Of course, I won't give you five dollars a day. I can only give you four dollars a day."

For a long time Tom said   67    . He thought of his wife and   68    . But that worker had his wife and children,   69   . Finally Tom said, "No, I won't want the job." Tom was right. He didn't want to take the bread out of another

70    mouth.

61.            62.            63.             64.            65.

66.            67.            68.             69.            70.



A: What a nice camera! 71.

B: It was invented by Joseph Nicephore Niepee.

A: Oh, I see.  72.

B: In 1827.

A: What’s this in English? It looks like a recorder.

B: It’s called an English Learning Machine.

A:  73.

B: It may be made of steel.

A: 74.

B: It is used for helping us to improve our English.

A: Thanks for telling me so much.



76.A knife is used to cut things.(给出同义句)

A knife is used                     things.

77. Germs are so tiny that we can’t see them. (改为简单句)

Germs are        tiny for us        see.

78. The film began five minutes ago. (改为现在完成时)

The film has                   for five minutes .

79. Mike put on his coat. (改为被动语态)

coat         put on.

80.“Did you hear anything?” I said to Maria.(改为间接引语)

I asked Maria if          had            anything.











1. M: Have you ever been abroad?

W: Not yet. I have been to Beijing.

2. W: You ought to turn off the light when you are not using them.

M: OK. I will.

3. W: Keep quiet, please! My baby is sleeping.

M: I'm sorry. I won't make any noise again.

4. W: Look, it is not only made a call but also used as a camera.

M: What a great invention it is.

5. W: More and more people like to do shopping on the Internet.

M: Yes, you are right.




M: Hello. Who's that speaking?

W: Hello. This is Mary. Is Alice in?

M: Sorry. My sister is out, for some shopping.

W: How soon will she be back?

M: I n half an hour.

W: OK. I'll ring Alice up later. Thank you.

M: You're welcome.


W:Can I help you, sir?

M:Yes, I came to see my daughter, but I can’t find the way to her home.

W:Have you been to Shanghai before?

M:Yes, I came here five years ago. Shanghai has changed a lot since then.

W:That’s true. So your daughter should come to meet you at the train station.

M:I didn’t tell her I was coming. She is always busy and I don’t want to trouble her.

W: Where does she work?

M:She works in a hospital.

W:Do you have her address?

M:No. But I remember her home is near a big park.

W:Oh, I know where it is. Let me take you there.

M:Thanks a lot. It’s very kind of you.


It’s very important for us to learn English well. English is the most widely used language in the world. It is also used as an international language. It’s spoken by more than 400 million people as their first language. Many countries use English as a second language. English is widely used for international business. Chinese use English as a foreign language. China’s reform and opening-up policy, China’s entry into WTO and the 2008 Olympic Games encourage more and more Chinese to learn English. So we must try our best to learn English well and make a contribution to building our country better.


W: Where have you been, Jack?

M: I’ve been to a park.

W: What did you do there?

M: I found that the visitors throw rubbish into the lake nearby. The lake has become very dirty. Lots of fish have died.

W: That’s terrible! What did you do then?

M: I took a bottle of water and some dead fish to the leader of the park.

W: What did he say?

M: He said that they would do something to solve the problem.

第三节: 听下面一篇短文。根据短文内容,给下面的五幅图按先后顺序重新排序,并将其标号填写在题号后的横线上。短文读两遍。

Many great inventions have changed our life. My father would like to buy a car to go to work earlier. My mother wants to have a computer to work faster than before. I really want to get an MP3 to improve my English. I am always afraid of listening tests. My grandfather wants to have his own color TV to watch CCTV News at 7:00 every evening. As for my sister, her dream is to have an iPhone 5 to show off.



1---5.BACCA 6---10.BAACB 11---15. CABCB 16---20.BDEAC


21---25. BDBAA 26---30.DBDCC 31---35.CDBBD


36-40 CBADA  41-45 BCABD


阅读下面三篇语言材料, 然后按文后要求做题。

46---50.BCDDD 51---55. BBACD 56---60.DAADC


61---65.but opened sitting more around

66---70.him nothing children too worker's


71. Who(m) was it invented by?/ By whom was it invented?/ Who invented it?

72.When was it invented?

73.What may it be made of?

74.What is it used for doing?

75.You’re welcome./ Not at all.(意思相近均可)


76. for, cutting 77. too, to 78. been, on  79. Mike’s , was 80.she, heard


I always study English by watching English movies. Though I can’t follow all the words they said, it is interesting. My friend, Lin Tao studies English by listening to the tapes. This way can improve his listening skill. As for Li Mei, she sticks to writing an English diary every day. She has made great progress in writing skill. My friends and I have been studying English in these three ways. I think these methods suit us best. (78 words)






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