


_1__ a good friend, an old horse, and was going to ___2__ there for the night . Night came and it was time___3___ sleep. The pig went into the straw heap(稻草堆) and lay comfortably(舒服地). A long time __4__, but the horse was still___5___ there and did not move. So the pig asked the horse ___6____ he did not go to sleep. “Standing like this is the beginning of sleeping.” answered the ____7____.The pig found it __8___ to believe(相信) and said, “How can you stand there sleeping? It is not comfortable at all.” The horse answered, “Comfort is your habit(习性).___9____ horses, we have the habit of running quickly. So we are always ready to run quickly even if(即使) we are ___10___.

( )1. A. look B. see C. watch D. look at

( )2. A. left B. sit C. lay D. stay

( )3. A. by B. on C. to D. with

( )4. A. passed B. pass C. past D. was passed

( )5. A. standing B. stands C. sitting D. lying

( )6. A. what B. why C. when D. which

( )7. A. animals B. pig C. horse D. heap

( )8. A. hardly B. easily C. difficult D. easy

( )9. A. While B. For C. As D. Like

( )10. A. sleep B. asleep C. slept D. to sleep



1. inventor 2. pets 3. traditional 4. bamboo 5. widely 6. display 7. straight 8. soil 9. universe 10. receive


1. B 父母双亲是两个人,用they指代。

2. C 表示做某事的能力,用can或can’t。

3. C 首先发现要修饰的名词people是可数名词,因此只能考虑few或a few;然后从全句的意思来分析,应该是“瓶子里还有一点橘汁,但是没有人想喝”,因此选择表示否定意思的few.

4. C 宾语从句后接陈述句的语序,只能考虑C或D。该句的Could用来表示礼貌语气,并不是can的过去式,因此从句的谓语没有必要用过去时。

5. A How + adj + 名词/ 代词+ be

6. B So do I:“我也是”

7. D bring sb sth:给某人带来某东西

8. B 在范围以内的东、南、西、北等用in

9. C or在该句中的意思是“否则”

10. C 从谓语动词has read可以看出,主语应该是单数形式的。而A.B.D用做主语时都是表示复数的。 11. A leave a message:“给…留个话” 12. C 强调动作对现在造成的影响或后果,经常用现在完成时。

13. B millions of:数百万。用来表示模糊概念。

14. A without breakfast:“没有吃早饭”

15. C 三者选一,通常用最高级。

16. A 由于不舒服,因此要停止工作。stop doing sth:“停止做某事”

17. D 对频率提问,用how often.

18. A ask sb not to do sth

19. C “早饭吃了…”: have… for breakfast

20. D D最符合说话的习惯。


1. t



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