


” A. Did, see B. Will, see C. Have, seen D. Do, see

( ) 13. Every four years, ______ people watch the Olympic Games.

A. million of B. millions of C. two millions D. two million

( ) 14. I got up late and hurried to school ______ breakfast.

A. without B. to C. for D. about

( ) 15. Which is ______ , the bus, the train or the plane?

A. cheaper B. the cheaper C. the cheapest D. cheapest

( ) 16. He wasn’t feeling well. He had to ______ .

A. stop working B. stops working C. stops to work D, stop to work

( ) 17. “______ do you go to the film?” “ Sometimes.”

A. How long B. How much C. How many D. How often

( ) 18. The teacher asked Xiao Ming ______ late for school again.

A. not to be B. not be C. don’t be D. not to

( ) 19. “ What do you ______ breakfast?” “ Fresh oranges, bread and eggs.”

A. cook with B. pay for C. have for D. think for

( ) 20. “ Thank you for the delicious dinner.” “______.”

A. Don’t say that B. It’s nothing B. I don’t think it’s good D. I’m glad you enjoyed it.


A: Hello! 28361579. B: Is 1 Mr. Jones? A: Sorry, he 2 in at the moment. He left home a few minutes 3 . B: 4 a pity! Will he come back soon? A: I’m not sure. Can I 5 a message for him? B: It’s very 6 of you. There will 7 a meeting at 2:00 tomorrow afternoon. Please tell him to come 8 time. A: I certainly will. I’ll tell him as 9 as he comes back. B: Thanks a lot. Good-bye! A: You’re 10 .


1. 外面风很大,你最好别开窗户。 It’s blowing hard outside. You’d _______ _______ _______ the window.

2. 他年纪太小不能干重活。 He is _______ old _______ do the hard work.

3. 这些书既不是故事书也不是小说。 These books are _______ short stories _______ novels.

4. 他们停下来去听天气预报。 They stopped ________ _______ ________ the weather report.

5. 我花费了两个小时看完这本书。 It ________ me two hours _______ _______ reading the novels.

6. 汤姆学习不如彼得认真。 Tom doesn’t study _______ _______ as Peter.


A Martin Baker is a bus driver. He lives in a small town with his wife and four children. His wife’s father, Mr Butcher, lives with



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