


One day when some government officials were rebuilding a barn(谷仓), they found a mouse hole in a corner and used smoke to force the mice inside the hole to come out. A while later they indeed saw mice running out, one after another. Then, everyone thought that all the mice had escaped. But just as they began to clean up, they saw two mice squeezing(挤)out at the mouth of the hole. With some efforts, the mice finally got out. However, it was strange that after they came out of the hole, they did not run away at once. Instead, one chased after the other near the mouth of the hole. It seemed that one was trying to bite the tail of the other.

Everyone was puzzled, so they stepped nearer to take a look. They realized that one of the mice was blind and could not see anything, and the other was trying to allow the blind mouse to bite on his tail so that he could pull the blind one with him to escape.

After seeing what happened, everyone was speechless and lost in thought. During the meal time, the group of people sat down in a circle and started to chat about what happened to the two mice.

One serious American official said: “I think the relationship between those two mice was that of king and guard. “The others thought for a while and said: “That was why!”

A smart French said: “I think the relationship between those two mice was that of husband and wife.” Again the others thought for a while, and all felt it made sense.

A Japanese said: “I think the relationship between those two mice was that of mother and son.” Once again the others thought for a while, and felt this was more reasonable. So they expressed agreement another time.

At that moment, one Chinese asked: “Why did those two mice have to have a certain relationship?

Suddenly, the group looked back at the Chinese and remained speechless. The American official, the French and the Japanese who had spoken earlier all lowered their heads in shame, and did not dare to answer.

In fact, the true love is not built on friendship, loyalty or blood relationship. Instead, it is based on no relationship.

( )52. “it made sense” probably means ______.

A. it was strange B. it was correct

C. it was sweet D. it was funny

( )53. Why did they lower their heads in shame according to the passage?

A. They did not dare to answer.

B. They regretted(后悔)driving a poor blind mouse away.

C. They had mistaken the relationship of the mice.

D. They did not express themselves much better.

( )54. It is clear that ______.

A. all the mice came out of the hole easily

B. the people knew one of the mice was blind at the first sight

C. the people wanted to kill the mice with smoke

D. each of the people understood the relationship differently

( )55. The best title for the passage is ______.

A. Two lovely mice B. Help produces love

C. Love is all D. Friends in need

六、任务型阅读:(5分) 在横线中填上所缺句子的序号

A: many people like to go to the seaside for holidays

B: It is also very common to use vacations to visit relatives

C: outdoor vacations are popular

D: many people drive to another part of country

E: older people can hire a deckchair to sit on the beach

F: for sun and rest

In the USA, ___71_______________ , for example at the Grand Canyon or Yosemite or Yellowstone or the national parks or forests. Yong people may go walking or camping in the mountains. Many people have capers or small trailer(拖车) in which to travel, or if they are in a car, they may stay at Motels on the journey. Disneyland and Disneyworld are also popular and people can to ski in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, Wyoming and Montana.

________72_________who may live in states a long distance away. Some children go to summer camp for a holiday during the summer vacation form school, where they do special activities, such as sports or crafts.

When Americans want a holiday ______73____________ , they usually go to Florida, Hawaii, Mexico or the Caribbean. They may go to Europe for culture, for example, to see art, plays, and places of historic interest.

In Britain, ___74______________. There are places near the sea, such as Black pool, Scarborough and Bournemouth, where there is plenty to do even if it rains. In a traditional British seaside holiday, the children can watch a Punch and Judy Show, eat candy floss and rock (=sweet) and make sandcastles, while ____75______________. People also like to go to the country, especially to walk, in places like Scotland, Wales and the Lake District.

When the British go abroad they usually want to go somewhere warm. Spain and Spanish islands of Majorca and Ibiza are popular as are other places in southern Europe. For skiing, people often go to the Alps.


四.阅读理解(30分): CCA BCDA CABA ACDC



Ⅶ. 阅读理解(共15小题; 第51—55题每小题1分,第56—65题每小题2分,满分25分)



Are you thinking about what to do in your free time? Come and join us ---Youth Club! Join in lessons and activities. It’s fun! For more information, call 34 789 256!

Lessons Activities

Monday~~ Friday 6:00~~7:30 pm

Computer lessons for beginners Saturday and Sunday 8:00~~9:00 pm

Basketball and volleyball playgrounds open

Monday , Wednesday 7:30~~9:30 pm

Dance lessons for dance-lovers

You can learn and enjoy wonderful dances. Monday~~ Sunday

Swimming pool open

Tuesday , Thursday and Friday 6:30~~7:30 pm

Cooking lessons

Learn to cook delicious dishes from all over China The 2nd and last Saturday of every month 7:00~~9:30 pm

Concert time---Enjoy Swedish rock, American jazz and beautiful songs from different parts of the world!

( )51.On which of the following days can’t you have computer lessons?

A. Monday. B. Wednesday. C. Friday. D. Sunday.

( )52.Rose is free after 7:20 pm . Which lessons can she take?

A. Computer lessons. B. Dance lessons.

C. Cooking lessons. D. Both computer and cooking lessons.

( )53.If Dick wants to swim after playing basketball , when can he go to the club?

A. Monday and Wednesday. B. Monday and Sunday.

C. Saturday and Sunday. D. Monday to Sunday.

( )54.How often does the club have music concerts?

A. Twice a month. B. Twice a week.

C. Four times a month. D. Five times a week.

( )55.If you want to know the cost of the lessons , you can ______ to get the information.

A. only go to the club B. call 34 789 256

C. read the ads above carefully D. join the club and ask others


Have you ever gone traveling on the train that was named after the letter D ?

Named after the letter D, the new trains run at speeds of 200 to 250 kilometers one hour. These are much faster than Z-type and T-type trains. For example, it used to take people 12 hours to travel from Shanghai to Beijing. But now it only takes 10.The most interesting part of the bullet(子弹头)trains is the revolving (旋转)seats. People can adjust (调整)their seats as they like, so that it is easy for you to talk with others around you face to face . The new trains run between big cities. They make the long trips much faster and more comfortable.

All coins have two sides. However, many passengers still won’t choose the bullet trains for some reasons.The ticket prices of the bullet trains are much higher. For an easy example, a hard seat ticket from Beijing to Jinan is only RMB90 for T-type trains. But on the bullet trains all the seats are soft. And they cost RMB 153 to 154. On the other hand, the bullet trains stop at the small stations such as Tianjin only for one minute.

( ) 56. How long does it take to travel from Shanghai to Beijing on a bullet trains now?

A. 20 hours. B. 12 hours. C. 10 hours. D. 5 hours.

( ) 57. What is the most interesting part of the bullet trains?

A. The hard seats. B. The revolving seats. C. The beautiful colors. D. The train tickets.

( ) 58. The bullet trains make the long trips .

A. faster and more comfortable B. more dangerous C. more boring D. cheaper

( ) 59. Why won’t many passengers choose the bullet trains?

A. Because they can’t enjoy scenery on the way. B. Because they are too small.

C. Because they stop too often. D. Because the ticket prices are too high.

( ) 60. Passengers who take the D106 train in Tianjin have to hurry because .

A. it stops for three minutes B. there are too many passengers

C. it runs too fast D. it stops for only one minute


Have you ever been in a meeting while someone was making a speech and realized suddenly that your mind was a million miles away? You probably felt sorry and decided to pay attention and never have daydreaming again. Most of us have been told from earliest school days that daydreaming is a waste of time.

L. Giambra, a psychologist, says,” On the contrary , daydreaming is quite necessary. Without it, the mind couldn’t do all the thinking that it has to do during a normal day. You can’t possibly do all your thinking with a conscious (神志清醒的)mind. Instead, your unconscious mind is working out problems all the time. Daydreaming may be one way that the unconscious and conscious states (状态)of mind have silent conversations .”

Early psychologists paid no attention to the importance of daydreams or even thought they were harmful. At one time people thought that some psychological illness caused daydreamings. They did not have a better understanding of daydreams until the late 1980s. Eric Klinges, a professor, is the writer of the book Daydreaming. Klinges says, “We know now that daydreaming is one of the main ways that we organize our lives, learn from our experiences, and plan for our futures. Daydreams really are a window on the things that we fear and the things we long for (渴望) in life.”

Daydreams are usually very simple and direct, quite unlike sleep dreams. Sleep dreams may be hard to understand. It’s easier to get a deep understanding of your life by paying close attention to your daydreams than by trying to examine (分析)your sleep dreams carefully. Daydreams help you know the difficult situations in your life and found out a possible way of dealing with them.

Daydreams cannot be predicted: they move off in unexpected directions which may be creative and full of useful ideas. For many famous artists and scientists, daydreams were and are a main source of creative energy.

( ) 61. The passage is mainly about _______ .

A. winter sleeps B. sleep dreams C. daydreaming D. predictions

( ) 62. The underlined phrase On the contrary means _________ .

A .总之 B . 相反 C . 毕竟 D. 因此

( ) 63. The writer of this passage thinks daydreams are__________.

A. hard to understand B. important and helpful

C. harmful and unimportant D. the same as sleep dreams

( ) 64. Psychologists now believe that ________.

A. daydreams are usually very simple and can be predicted

B. daydreams are usually difficult to understand

C. daydreams cause some psychological illness

D. daydreams may be creative and full of useful ideas

( ) 65. The writer quoted (引用 )L. Giambra and Eric Klinges to ________.

A. list out two different ideas B. point out the wrong ideas of early experts

C. support his own ideas D. report the latest research on daydreams

Ⅷ. 任务型阅读(共5小题;每小题1 分,满分5 分)


A. Talking about shopping B. Getting into trouble

C. Talking about one's problems D. Talking about one's job

E. Showing love to a girl

( )66. I’ve got a collection of terrible “mistakes” in my wardrobe(衣柜), I have never wear them! But I don't mind going with my girlfriend, because she helps me choose. I think women are better at buying clothes than men. They’ve got better tastes and they always know what fashion is.

( )67.You shouldn’t be afraid of her. Maybe she’s just as shy as you. What about giving her a red rose and a short message? Say something like this: “I’d really like to know you but I don’t know how.” She’11 probably be excited to know she’s got a fan!

( )68. Jane usually travels for 2 hours at most and then she can have a rest of at least 3 hours. She meets a lot of interesting people from all over the world. She says she likes it because she doesn't have to work full-time so she can spend more time with our three children and me.

( )69.When Mrs. Poor got into the lift, she was carrying only a handbag. After a while, the lift stopped between floors. She shouted and shouted, and rang the alarm, but nobody heard her.

( )70. I’ve known her for four years and I really like her . But she always copies everything I do. If I buy some new clothes, the next day she’ll go out and buy exactly the same ones. It's the same with music, films, even my friends! What should I do?


VII阅读理解 51—55DBCAB 56—60CBADD 61—65 CBBDC

VIII任务型阅读66—70 AEDBC




Many animals do strange things before an earthquake (地震).This news may be important.Earthquakes can kill people and knock down homes.The animals may help to save lives.

Some animals make a lot of noise before an earthquake.Farmers have told about this.Dogs that are usually quiet have started to howl (吠).Horses on farms have run around in circles.Mice have left their holes and run away.Cows have given less milk.

In a town in Italy, cats raced down the street in a group. That happened only a few hours before an earthquake. In San Francisco, a man kept tiny pet frogs. One Sunday, the frogs jumped around more than ever. They made loud noises, like bigger frogs. That night, an earthquake struck the city.

People want to know when an earthquake is coming. Then they can get away safely. Right now, there is no sure way to know ahead of time. Maybe the best way is to watch the animals.

56. This story is mostly about how animals act before an earthquake.

57. Before an earthquake, quiet dogs ran away and started to howl.

58. Before an earthquake, the frogs jumped around a lot.

59. One Sunday morning an earthquake hit San Francisco in Italy.

60. Maybe people can get away from the earthquake by watching animals.



Kate: I like running very much. It's good exercise. My parents both like running, too. We usually get up early in the morning and run together. It is good for one's legs, heart and lungs. It helps one to have a strong body. Mum says that she should thank running because it helps her to get thinner. Running is fun. It can make one happy. There are many different ways for one to run. One can run in a school or in a park. One can join a running club to run and make new friends, too. Chen Feng: I like ball games, like foot-ball, basketball and tennis. And basketball is my favorite. I often play basketball with my friends on Sunday mornings when we are free and the weather is nice. I joined my school team last year. And I can play it very well now. There is going to be a basketball game between No. 1 Middle School and our school in our school next Saturday. Many students are going to cheer us on. Our teacher says that she will buy some presents for us if we win. I hope we can win the game.

61. Kate and his parents usually ______ together in the morning.

A. leave home B. run C. play games D. have breakfast

62. Kate's mother thinks that ________.

A. running is cool B. Kate dislikes running

C. running is as popular as swimming D. running makes her get thinner

63. Chen Feng _______.

A. likes football best B. hopes to win the football game

C. is a member of the school basketball team

D. plays basketball with his friends on the mornings of weekends

64. Chen Feng's teacher is going to _______ if Chen Feng's team wins the game.

A. tell them a story B. buy some presents for them

C. sing a song for them D. cook delicious food for them

65. Both Chen Feng and Kate _______.

A. like sports B. want to make new friends

C. like ball games D. are middle school teachers


If you tell others you are from the 1980s generation,probably you are not as cool as you might have expected.The cool kids today or the so-called “Post-90s” generation,have become much “cooler'’ than the 1980s’group,as they can speak “Manian (火星的) languages”,an even more difficult language

created by themselves.

Mrs.Li,the mother of a l5-year-old girl,got worried recently,because she could hardly understand what her daughter was writing in her blog(博客).She said,“My daughter likes talking with her friends on the computer. I want to know what they are talking about, but I can't understand what they are writing on the computer.They use Chinese,English,numbers and pictures. Sometimes I asked her, 'Do your friends know the meaning of them?' She said,

'Yes, they do. Many of my friends talk with the language. It's our powerful secret tool which parents and teachers cannot figure out at all. ' "

A 14-year-old boy said, "The students in my class often use 'Martian language' to communicate. It can help us hide our secrets from our parents or teachers. "

Some people say "Martian language" is good, but some people say it is not good. What do you think?

66. The "Post-90s" generation probably means the children who _____.

A. were born before 1990 B. started school after 1990"

C. were born in the 1990s D. started working after 1990

67. Mrs. Li's daughter is _____ years old.

A. sixteen B. fifteen C. fourteen D. thirteen

68. Why did Mrs. Li get worried?

A. Because her daughter didn't write to her.

B. Because she worried about her daughter's health.

C. Because she couldn't understand what her daughter wrote.

D. Because her daughter spent too much time playing computer games.

69. What does the underlined phrase "figure out" mean in Chinese?

A.改变 B.放弃 C.算出来 D.弄明白

70. Which of the following is WRONG?

A. Martian language is a kind of official language.

B. Martian language is very popular with many students.

C. Many students like to use Martian language to talk with their friends.

D. Martian language can keep students' secrets when they are chatting with each other.


Gasoline (汽油) prices are getting higher and higher. The price makes it hard for drivers to afford the fuel (燃料).

71_______ The new cars are different and they can run on many different kinds of fuels. Some of these cars are called "hybrids". One kind of these cars can run on a special fuel, filled with a gas called hydrogen (氧气). 72______ They give off no emissions (排放物) when they run on the roads, so they are very clean and good for the environment.

One car maker is excited about hydrogen fuel cell technology. 73_____ Once we use the oil up, it will take millions of years for more oil to form. Since gasoline is made from oil, that could be a problem for drivers and companies if they still drive or make traditional cars. 74_______

People are testing buses with hydrogen fuel ceils and we may see this kind of buses on the roads in the near future.

A.The fuel cell cars are also better in another way.

B.However。it won't be a problem for cars with fuel cells.

C.One group held a special event to display(展示)new kinds of cars.

D.He says we will never run out the fuel,but we may run out of oil.

75. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Gasoline is becoming more and more expensive.

B. Traditional cars polluted the environment badly.

C. The special fuel cell is not only useful, but also cheap.

D. Some new kinds of cars will take the place of the traditional ones.



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