


7.I’ll go and visit you ____ next week.

A. sometime  B. sometimes C. some times D. some time

8.The car is running________.It seems to be flying.

A. more and faster B. more and fast C. fast and fast D. faster and faster

9. English is as _____ as Chinese.You should learn it well.

A. important  B. more important C. the most important D.much more important

10.Music is not so useful as science. It’s ________ useful than science.

A. fewer B. less C more D. a lot

11. We’ve never heard of _____story before.

A. such a strange B. such strange  C. so a strange D. so strange

12.You must wear glasses. They can keep your eyes______.

A. soft  B. safe  C. safely  D. safety

13.Pass my glasses to me,Jack. I can _____read the words in the newspaper.

A. hardly B. really  C clearly  D. rather

14.Three years _______,he become a driver.

A. late B. later  C. lately  D. more lately

15.He is ______ enough to carry the heavy box.

A. stronger B. much stronger C. strong D. the strongest

16.I bought _____ exercise-books with____money.

A. a few,a few B. a few,a little C. a little,a few D. a little,a little

17.The box is _____ heavy for the girl____carry.

A.too,to  B.to,too  C.so,that  D.no,to

18.Do you have ____ to tell us?

A. something new B. new something C. anything new  D. new anything

19.———Do you think the fish tastes_______?

———She cooked it______,I think.

A good,good  B well,good C well,well D good,well

20.She played the piano _____than we had thought.

A. successful B. successfully C. more successful  D. more successfully

动词专项练习 —— 动词不定式


1.动词+带to的不定式结构。常见动词有:afford(供应得起),ask,decide,expect(期待、盼望),hope,learn, want,offer(提供),hope, wish, help, prepare(准备),dare(敢),refuse(拒绝)等。

如: We can't afford _____(buy) a car yet.我们还买不起小汽车。

2.动词+宾语+带to的不定式。常见的这类词有:ask,teach,tell,want,like,ask for, wait for,advise,invite,warn,wish,get等。如:Would you like us to go with you?你愿意我们和你一起去吗?

At the meeting they invited me________(speak).会上,他们请我发言。

3.动词+宾语+不带to的不定式。常用的这类动词有:see,hear,watch,notice,let, make,have, listen to, look at, 等。如:We watched the boys ______(play) football.我们看孩子们踢足球了。

(2)形式主语 1.It is +名词(+for sb.)+to do sth.如:







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