




produce, avoid, paint, complete, know, put, send out

1. People used to send out sky lanterns when they were in trouble.

2. The big tree produces a lot of apples every year.

3. It's hard work to paint the house all by yourself.

4. Germany is widely known for its beer.

5. Don't you think some mistakes can be avoided?

6. In some zoos, the dangerous animals like tigers and lions are put  in cages.

7. It seems that the painting won't be completed until next week.


regarded, necessary, through, carried, important, silk, sold, exchanged, tea, three

China is the first country in the world to produce silk(丝绸).Several centuries ago, Chinese   8.    was the most popular product which was taken to the West. Zhang Qian, a famous traveler, first "set up" the Silk Road. From then on, the Silk Road ran     9     different countries. The Silk Road was     10.     as China's "national road". It was the most          11.    connections(连接)between the East and the West.

Many businessmen traveled in large caravans(车队)in the past. They    12.     a lot of products along the Silk Road. The caravans took silk to the West. From the West, the caravans brought back gold, colored glass and European food.

Central Asia was in the middle part of the Silk Road. The caravans    13.   silk and other products and traveled from China through Central Asia to the West. There were    14.     main routes-the northern route, the central route and the southern route.

The Silk Road was not only    15.   for businessmen to trade their products, but also very important routes which spread(传播)different cultures.

8. silk    9. through      10.regarded  11. Important    12. exchanged   13.carried   14. three  15.necessary



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