



( ) 1.He devoted much of his time ______ computer games.

A. to write B. write C. writing D. to writing

( ) 2. Jim’s never read such a book, _______ ?

A. hasn’t he B. isn’t Jim C. has he D. is Jim

( ) 3 . Simon did all kinds of things to make the baby ______ . But the baby cried harder and harder.

A. stop to cry B. to stop crying C. to stop to cry D. stop crying

( )4.We have _______ many wild animals because of the ______ of their living areas.

A. lose; loss B. loss; lost C. lost ; lose D. lost; loss

( )5. __________ people came to the meeting. ________the people is about 1,000.

A. A number of ;The number B. The number of ; A number of

C. A number of ; A number of D. The number of; The number of

( )6. This book is a bit difficult. _______ read something easier?

A. Why not to B. Why don’t C. Why not D. Why not you

( ) 7. She told us that her brother ______ the league for more than three years.

A. had been in B. has been in C. had joined D. has joined

( ) 8 Not only ________ but also _______ are interested in seeing films.

A. he ; his parents B. his parents; he C. he ; his mother D. he ; his father

( )9.─ Did you catch the train yesterday ?

─No. It _______ when I ______ to the station.

A. left ;got B. had left ;got

C. left ;had got D. was left; was getting

( )10.This is his first ______ on the stage, but he hasn’t ______ by now.

A. appear ; appearance B. appearance; appear

C. appearance; appeared D. appeared; appearance

( )11. Last weekend, I went to see a film _______Gong Li with my parents.

A. stars B. starred C. starring D. is starring

( )12. The film, Tales of Old Beijing, shows us _______ Beijing looked like many years ago.

A. what B. how C. that D. which

( )13. Do you know _________?

A. who is he talking B. who was he talking

C. who he is talking D. who he is talking to

( )14. The film _______ for half an hour when I got to the cinema yesterday.

A. has begun B. has been on C. had begun D. had been on

( )15. What he said made me ________________.

A. to feel excited B. feel exciting

C. feel excited D. felt excited

( )16. To our surprise, the thief is a _________ boy.

A. 12 year old B. 12-year-old C. 12 years old D. 12-years-old

( )17. My father said he _____________ for Shanghai the next day.

A. was going to leave B. is going to leave C. left D. had left

( )18. I found him ________, for he found the answer to the question___________.

A. cleverly …. easily B. clever …. easy

C. clever ….. easily D. clever ….. easy



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