


英语作为最重要的信息载体之一,已成为人类生活各个领域中使用最广泛的语言。威廉希尔app 小编为大家准备了这篇九年级英语上册四单元家庭作业题


1.His daughter is _________ girl.

A. a eight-year-old B. an eight-year-old

C. an eight-years-old D. a eight years old

2.We'll be away for two weeks because we'll have a ___________.

A. two-weeks holiday B. two weeks' holidays

C. two- week holiday D. two-weeks' holiday

3.–It’s said that we'll have a ________ the coming May Day. – That’s so good.

A. three-days holiday B. three-days' holidays

C. three-day holiday D. three-days' holiday

4.Mike is _______ boy.

A. one 11-years-old B. one 11-years old

C. one-11-year-old D. an 11-year-old

5. Our teacher is Tony Brown. We call him(称呼他)

A. Mr. Tony B. Mr. Brown C. Mrs. Tony D. Mrs. Brown

6.After playing football for more than half an hour, the students took ______ rest.

A. a ten--- minute B. a ten minute’s

C. a ten-minutes’ D. a ten-minute’s

7.Tom is only ______.

I don’t think a _______ boy should be allowed to drive.

A. fourteen-year-old; fourteen-year-old

B. fourteen years old; fourteen-year-old

C. fourteen years old; fourteen-years-old

D. fourteen-year-old; fourteen years old

8.He is a boy.

A. 11 B. 11 years old C. 11- year-old D. 11-years-old

9.Mary won in the_______ race last week.

A. woman’s 400—meter B. woman’s 400—meters

C. women’s 400—meter D. women’s 400—meters

10.— We’ll have _______ holiday in June. Will you go home?

— No. If I go home, I’ll have to take_______ ride.

A. a one-week; seven days B. an one-week; a seven day’s

C. a one-week; a seven days’ D. an one-week’s; a seven days’

11.Which of the following words is a homophone?

A. BTW B. WBQ C. CSL D. gr8

12.Jones won the gold medal in the _____ race in the 27th Olympic Games.

A. women’s 100- meters B. women’s 100-meter

C. women’s 100 meters D. women 100 meter

13.It’s about _______walk from here to the bus station.

A. two hours B. two-hours C. two hours’ D. two hour’s

14.- We’ll have a ______ holiday. What about going to the West Lake?

- Sounds great.

A. two days B. two-day

C. two-days D. two-days’

15.The sentence structure of “Teachers ask me to finish the homework on time.” is _______.


16. We call Sam Smith .

A. Mr. Smith B. Mr. Sam C. Mrs. Smith D. Mrs. Sam

17.It’s an ________well (井). Stay away from it.

A. one meter deep B. One-meter-deep

C. 18 meters deep D. 18-meter-deep

18.—What do you plan to do on the ___________ May Day holiday?

—I have no idea. Probably, I will spend it by doing many papers.

A. three-day B. three-days C. three days D. three day’s

19.— How amazing the noodle is!

— Yes, it is___ . And breaks the Guinness World Record as the longest

hand made noodle.

A. 1,704-meter-long B. 1,704-meters-long

C. 1. 704 meter long D. 1,704 meters long

20.In the traffic accident, an _______ girl was badly hurt this morning.

A. eight-years-old B. eight year old

C. eight-year-old D. eight-years old

21.The main character of this game is _______girl. She saves her father in the end.

A. a 15 years old B. a 15-year-old

C. a 15-years-old D. an 15-years-old

22.The Wangs will have _______ holiday in America.

A. three weeks B. three week C. three-week D. a three-week

23.My father will have a holiday next month. He'll take me to Qingdao.

A. ten days B. ten day's C. ten-days D. ten-day

24.Tom is ____________ boy now.

A. a 11-years-old B. a 11-year-old

C. an 11-year-old D. an 11-years-old

25.The twins has studied in this school ________ .

A. two years ago B. since two years ago

C. for two yeas ago D. since two years

26.David is . He is from .

A. English; England B. English; English

C. England; England D. England; English

27.The old man is my grandfather.

A. eighty-years-old; like

B. eighty-year-old; likes

C. eighty-year-old; like

D. eighty years old; likes

28.My new friend is a ____ boy.

A. fifteen-year old B. fifteen-years-old

C. fifteen years old D. fifteen-year-old

29.—How amazing the noodle is!

—Yes, it is ___, and breaks the Guiness World Record as the longest handmade noodle.

A. 1704-meter-long B. 1704-meters-long

C. 1704 meter long D.1704 meters long

30.Although he is only a _____ boy. He knows a lot.

A. five year old

B. five-year-old

C. five-years-old

D. five-year-olds






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