




Ⅰ. 根据句意及汉语提示写出正确的单词。

1. Little Alice wants to travel around the world in the _________ (未来).

2. Sara _________ (借) The Adventures of Tom Sawyer to me yesterday.

3. Tim is going to buy a magazine on computers and _________ (技术).

4. There’s a lake. It’s _________ (满的) of fish.

5. Before you take the medicine, read the _________ (说明书) carefully.

6. Tom advised me to buy a new _________ (存储器) card.

Ⅱ. 从方框中选择适当的单词并用其正确形式完成句子(每词限用一次)。

cheap, page, put, since, promise, visit

1. Mr Wang asked me to _________ up the winners on the notice board.

2. Shirley loves travelling a lot. She has been a guide _________ 2012.

3. This book is very thick. It has over 400 _________.

4. — Have you been to the shop next to our school?

— Oh, yes. The shop does shoe repairs very _________.

5. Last Sunday, my class went on a school _________ to the Science Museum.

6. Amy is happy because her father has _________ to buy her a dog.

Ⅲ. 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。

1. Look! There are two _________ (textbook) under the chair.

2. The new car looks nice. And it’s _________ (real) fast.

3. — Betty, is this your new camera? It looks nice.

— No, it’s my cousin’s. I _________ (borrow) it from her last week.

4. Li Na _________ (fix) her watch at 7:00 pm yesterday.

5. The story is _________ (main) about the friend-ship between a dog and a cat.

6. It’s very important for parents to educate their kids to behave _________ (proper).

Ⅳ. 根据汉语意思完成句子(每空一词)。

1. — 你多长时间网购一次?

— 一周一次。

— _________ _________ do you buy things online?

— Once a week.

2. 刚刚,我通过邮件给路先生发了那份文件。

Just now, I sent the document to Mr Lu _________ _________.

3. — 比利,你收到杰克的信了吗?

— 不,还没有。

— Billy, have you _________ _________ Jack?

— No, not yet.

4. 我到达学校时,肖华正在校门口等托尼。

When I arrived at school, Xiao Hua _________ _________ _________ Tony at the school gate.

5. 据说,昨天数千学生参观了兵马俑。

It is said that _________ _________ students visited the Terracotta Army yesterday.


Ⅰ. 1. future 2. lent 3. technology

4. full 5. instructions 6. memory

Ⅱ. 1. put 2. since 3. pages

4. cheaply 5. visit 6. promised

Ⅲ. 1. textbooks 2. really 3. borrowed

4. was fixing 5. mainly 6. properly

Ⅳ. 1. How often 2. by mail 3. heard from

4. was waiting for 5. thousands of



牛津译林版九年级英语Unit3家庭作业:Teenage problems


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