初三上册英语Lesson27家庭作业:Tree Heroes




初三上册英语Lesson27家庭作业:Tree Heroes

Ⅰ. 根据句意及首字母提示写出正确的单词。

1. You’d better not tell the news to Jim, or he will s_________ it around the whole village.

2. We got a large a_________ of help from Mrs Lin, so we finished the task before noon.

3. — What h_________ to your brother?

— He fell down the stairs.

4. — In a w_________, it’s not her fault (错误). What’s your opinion?

— I agree with you.

5. It’s hard to i_________ a world without inventions like the television and the computer.

6. I think we are lost. Let’s stop to ask the policeman for d_________.

Ⅱ. 从方框中选择适当的介词或副词填空(每词限用一次)。

by, on, about, with, than, after

1. There is a poster of Deng Yaping ___________ Lily’s bedroom wall.

2. ___________ the competition, everyone wanted to have a good rest.

3. — Was printing invented ___________ 2,000 years ago?

— Yes, it was.

4. ___________ more and more people driving cars, the traffic is becoming heavier.

5. I think this camera is a lot better ___________ that one.

6. Grandma still wears shoes made ___________ hand.

Ⅲ. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。

1. Toby thinks books will never ___________ (replace) by computers.

2. Luckily, their team won the game by one ___________ (single) point.

3. The clothes shop’s ___________ (trade) is very good at weekends.

4. Dan thinks all the problems ___________ (result) from Lincoln’s carelessness.

5. Lucy is writing an article about the ___________ (develop) of pop music.

6. Some animals like ___________ (store) food for the winter.

Ⅳ. 根据括号内的英语提示翻译句子。

1. 这个电梯很大,一次能载20个人。(at a time)


2. 考试结果还不知道,我们只能等等看了。(wait and see)


3. 妈妈每天花一个小时浏览杂志。 (look through)


4. 我们常常能看到人们在上班的路上读报纸。 (on one’s way to)


5. 露西常把花朵比作女孩。 (compare … to …)



Ⅰ. 1. spread 2. amount 3. happened

4. way 5. imagine 6. directions

Ⅱ. 1. on 2. After 3. about

4. With 5. than 6. by

Ⅲ. 1. be replaced 2. single 3. trade

4. resulted 5. development 6. storing / to store

Ⅳ. 1. The lift is so big that it can take twenty people at a time.

2. The exam results are still unknown. We shall have to wait and see.

3. Every day, Mum spends an hour looking through magazines.

4. We can often see people read newspapers on their way to work.

5. Lucy often compares flowers to girls.


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