九年级上册英语Lesson21家庭作业:To the South Pole



如今,许多国际场合都使用英语做为沟通媒介。威廉希尔app 小编为大家准备了这篇九年级上册英语Lesson21家庭作业,希望对同学们有所帮助。

九年级上册英语Lesson21家庭作业:To the South Pole

A. 写出下列词组。

1. 为.……写评论 _____________________ 2. 我们每个人________________________

3. 加入网络小组 _____________________ 4. 参加讨论 __________________________

5. 在19世纪 _______________________ 6. 一个明智的人 ______________________

7.伟大的作家 ________________________ 8. 顺便说一下 ________________________

B. 理解与运用

a. 用所给中文或单词的适当形式填空。

1. Today, Chinese people are still _________ (影响) by Confucius’s ideas.

2. She looks so happy, I________ (猜想) that she won first place in the singing competition.

3. Mark Twain is as________ (著名的) as Charles Dickens.

3. The Arabian Nights is _________ (think) to be a great book.

4. Our classroom _________ (clean) three times a day, so it is always very clean..

5. All of us are _________ (amaze) at the _________ (amaze) news.

b. 句型转换,改为被动语态。

1. We often invite Mr Green to join us in doing sports.

Mr Green _________ often __________ to join us in doing sports.

2. People grow rice in the south of China.

Rice __________ __________ in the south of China.

3. We don’t allow students to smoke at school.

Students _________ __________ to smoke at school.



初三英语Lesson19家庭作业:The Silk Road  

北师大版初三英语Lesson20家庭作业:Life in a Journey  


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