初三Lesson10英语家庭作业:Life in Space



社会生活的信息化和经济的全球化,使英语的重要性日益突出。威廉希尔app 小编为大家准备了这篇初三Lesson10英语家庭作业,希望对同学们有所帮助。

初三Lesson10英语家庭作业:Life in Space


1.My English teacher is very________(help) to me.

2.Mr. Smith and his son used to ________(smoke),but they don't smoke now because they think it’s unhealthy.(临沂改编)

3.Eating some pears is ________ (help) to your cough.

4.Jim was ________ (silence) because he had a bad throat.

5.Our English teacher is very ________ (humor). She always makes her students happy.


6.—What ________ your uncle ________now?

—He is tall and strong.

A.is;like B.does;like

C.is;be like D.does;be like

7.Miss Wang used to be heavy,________she?

A.is B.isn’t C.didn’t D.did

8.The story is really ________. It makes all of us laugh a lot.(武威)

A.correct B.boring

C.humorous D.direct

9.His little sister is afraid ________ see the snakes.

A.of          B.to

C.with D.in

10.(2015•眉山)—Mom, can I do ________ much work in ________ a short time?

—Dear, I think you can.

A.so; so B.such; so

C.so; such D.such; such

11.It ________ five years since she went to that city.

A.is B.was

C.has been D.has gone

12.My father bought me a dictionary. He thinks it is ________ my study.

A.friendly to B.helpful to

C.harmful to D.popular to


13.What’s his father like? (改为同义句)

What ________his father ________ ________?

14.It’s a nice day, ________ ________? (完成反意疑问句)


15.Liu Tao still plays computer games sometimes.(改为同义句)

Liu Tao still plays computer games ________ ________ _______ ________.


16. 自从我们离开学校已经五年了。

It________________ five years ________we left school.





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