初三年级Lesson8英语家庭作业:Good or Bad?




初三年级Lesson8英语家庭作业:Good or Bad?

Ⅰ. 用which, who或whom完成句子。

1. Someone __________ comes from Anhui is waiting for you outside.

2. When I got home, Mum and Dad were talking about the house __________ they had bought in the countryside.

3. — Do you know the man __________ is standing under the apple tree?

— Yes, of course. He’s a friend of mine.

4. This is the room in __________ my grandma was born.

5. Is that the girl __________ you talked to just now?

Ⅱ. 从方框中选择合适的介词填空。

from, of, in, at, by

1. The story took place __________ the early 1960s.

2. Thousands __________ tourists come to visit the small town every week.

3. The players in the competition are __________ different countries.

4. __________ that time, Celia was not interested in travelling at all.

5. This is the adventure novel written __________ my favourite writer.

Ⅲ. 根据句意及首字母提示写出正确的单词。

1. — By the w__________, do you like collecting stamps?

— Yes, I do.

2. I’ve a__________ read The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, so I’d rather buy The Arabian Nights.

3. — I hear you are t__________ of buying a new car.

— Yes, I’ve sold the old one to a friend.

4. Lily’s bike was broken, so she h__________ to take a taxi to her school.

5. Tony can’t see the words on the blackboard c__________ without his glasses.



初三Lesson7英语家庭作业含答案:A Famous Inventor


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