2016初三Lesson5英语家庭作业: The Book Club




2016初三Lesson5英语家庭作业: The Book Club

Ⅰ. 根据句意及汉语提示写出正确的单词。

1. My sister bought a nice __________ (短裙) last Sunday.

2. Jim and Tim are going to watch a football match __________ (今晚).

3. — Who is that man in black?

— Mr Li, our new __________ (校长).

4. These __________ (女衬衫) look fashionable. Why not choose one for your birthday?

5. Mike __________ (冲) out of the house without saying goodbye to his parents.

6. At the ceremony, Mr White __________ (授予) the prizes to two girls.

Ⅱ. 从方框中选择适当的单词或短语并用其正确形式完成句子。

visitor, belong to, memory, more than,

across, give prizes to

1. We’ll invite Mr Black __________ the students who did well in the competition.

2. One of my earliest childhood __________ is of my mother reading bedtime stories to me.

3. The magazine must __________ Jenny. Look! It has her name on it.

4. Stop! Don’t go __________ the street when the lights are red.

5. — How many students will take part in the competition next week?

— __________ sixty.

6. My sister is a guide and she often shows foreign __________ around Beijing City.

Ⅲ. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。

1. The __________ (win) of the competition will receive an Olympic 500 camera.

2. Lisa said, “The music __________ (sound) beautiful, doesn’t it?”

3. — When did the accident happen?

— On a(n) __________ (wind) morning.

4. Zhang Jie is a famous __________ (sing). Lots of young people love his songs.

5. To my surprise, Amy managed __________ (get) there before 7 pm.

6. The volunteers __________ (welcome) us warmly when we got there.

Ⅳ. 根据汉语提示完成句子,每空词数不限。

1. — Linda, please ____________________ (朗读) the letter to all of us.

— Okay.

2. ____________________ (和……相比) Tony, John is a bit shier.

3. __________________ (尽管) Mr Brown is quite tired, he is still working.

4. Mr Li said he __________________ (对……感到满意) our exam results.

5. __________________ (祝贺成为) a member of our club.

6. Luke, you’d better wear a hat to ___________________ (使你不受) the sun.





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