


英语也是现在世界上用的最多的一门语言,许多国家都在学英语和用英语。威廉希尔app 小编为大家准备了这篇初三Lesson4英语家庭作业,接下来我们一起来练习。



1.I really need to take mor e exercise because I'm _______ weight.(杭州)

A.putting off B.putting on

C.putting down D.putting away

2.His opinions are similar ________ yours but different________ Julia’s. (日照)

A.to;from B.from;to C.as;with D.with;as

3.—________ will Jenny return to China?

— In three days.(宿迁)

A.How often B.How soon

C.How long D.How far

4.(2015•杭州)I really need to take more exercise because I'm ________ weight.

A.putting off B.putting on

C.putting down D.putting away

5.His father has gone to Shanghai. He ________ back in two days.

A.was B.is C.will be D.has been

6.(2015•泰安)When you leave, please turn off the lights ________ energy.

A.save B.to save C.saving D.saved

7.I wonder if it’s similar ________ the festival of the Dai people in Yunnan Province.

A.for B.at C.in D.to

8.You’d better not ________ the waste on the beach.

A .thr ow up B.throw off

C.throw away D.throw on

9.(2015•连云港)—What programme is so attractive?

—The guard of honor(仪仗队)of the PLA are taking part in the parade on Red Square.

—________ exciting event!

A.How a B.What an C.How an D.What a


10.She is new here,so she is a ____________(strange) to everyone.

11.________(luck),we arrived there on time.

12.New Year is a good time for ________ (make) resolutions for everybody.



His mother will be back ________ ________ ________.


My best friend is ________ ________ me because we are both hard¬working.


________ ________ the book is!


put on, put up, put out, put away, put off

16.After __________ the tent,my brother and I began to make a fire to cook food for lunch.

17.It was so cold outside, and his wife asked him to ________ some warm clothe s.

18. When the famous singer was young,her mother asked her to have the habit of ____________ her own things.

19.It will be very crowded,so we have to __________ our vacation plan.

20.Th e people in the neighborhood________ the fire before the firemen came.



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