


初中是人生的十字路口,不是避风的港湾,而是拼搏的战场。初中的学习更紧张,竞争更激烈,尽快地掌握科学知识,迅速提高学习能力,特此威廉希尔app 为大家整理的2013年初三家庭作业英语专题,供您学习参考!

( )1. He_________ to like drinking.

A. doesn’t use B. doesn’t used C. didn’t use D. didn’t used

( )2. The air pollution in this area caused the_________ of many trees.

A. die B. died C. death D. dying

( )3. Gina is very shy. She is afraid_______ in front of the class.

A. speaking B. to speak C. talking D. to say

( )4. We must help each other and _____ each other.

A. learn B. learn to C. learn from D. learn with

( )5. It was ______dark _______ I couldn’t see anything.

A. too; to B. such; that C. so; that D. as; as

( )6. The room must _____ up right now. It’s too dirty.

A. be cleaned B. be cleaning C. clean D. cleaned

( )7. We all know the _____ of learning English well.

A. important B. importance C. different D. difficult

( )8. --When shall we go to the museum, this afternoon or tomorrow morning?

________is OK. I'm free these days.

由威廉希尔app 独家提供2013年初三家庭作业英语专题,让我们一起拼搏吧!!





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