


初中是人生的十字路口,不是避风的港湾,而是拼搏的战场。初中的学习更紧张,竞争更激烈,尽快地掌握科学知识,迅速提高学习能力,特此威廉希尔app 为大家整理的九年级英语同步家庭作业7-8单元重点讲解,供您学习参考!

1.provide sb. with sth.;provide sth. for sb.向某人提供某物,供给

如:My parents provide me with food and drink.

This firm provided a big house for the old man.

Provide还可以构成如下短语:provide for sb.供给某人生活所需;provide for sth. 为某事可能发生做准备;provide against sth.防备发生某市、预防某事

2.a number of 与the number of的区别

a number of 相当于some,a few; a great/large number of相当于many,quite a few; the number of指的是“…的数量”。

如:The number of the students in our school is 5,000. A number of them are going to study in the university.

3. According to the survey,the most popular choice of job is computer programming.

according to表示1)根据所说、所示;2)随…而作变更

如:According to Tom,the English teacher is really a good teacher.根据Tom的说法,英语老师是一位真正的好老师。

According to the amount of work we do,we will be paid.


4. For sure,you have helped make it possible for me to have “Lucky”,…

for sure相当于without doubt无疑

如:I think he lived in Shijiazhuang,but I can’t say for sure.

由威廉希尔app 独家提供九年级英语同步家庭作业7-8单元重点讲解,让我们一起拼搏吧!!




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