It must belong to Carla教案



以下是威廉希尔app 为您推荐的 It must belong to Carla教案,希望本篇文章对您学习有所帮助。

 It must belong to Carla教案


1.熟练掌握并运用该节课的单词及重点短语:belong belong to author Picnic

2.运用目标语言编写对话:whose volleyball is this? It must be Carla’s. She loves volleyball.



1.You didn’t annoy me in the___(slight)

2.Heimingway is one of _______________(famous) writer in the world.

3.The notebook belongs to her. That’s to say, the notebook is____(her))



1. 属于_________ 2.她最喜欢的作者_________3.在野餐_________4.听古典音乐_________



3).belong( vi),“属于”,常与介词_____连用,不用于________,不能用于_________,后接名词或代词。如:1.The cup _____ _____ me .这个茶杯属于2. Whom _____ this car belong__?这辆车是谁的?


This sweater must be Li Ming’s= This sweater______ _____ ______ LiMing.


5).It must be Mary’s. must 是_____ 动词,表¬¬ 意为:肯定,一定。一般用_________, must be表示“_________,_________”把握性比较大。对现在的推测。


You must have finished your homework,haven’t you?


That must be yours, isn’t it ?____________________________

Must have done 对过去的推测,must表推测时,如果要变反意疑问句,由must后的be 或have来确定。

It must have rained last night,______ ?

It must be Mike’s,______ ?His name is on the cover of the book.



Girl1:Whose volleyball is this?

Boy1: It ——— be Carla’s. She loves volleyball.

Girl: ______ ______ this toy car.

Girl2:Oh,that toy car must _____ ______ Jane’s little brother. He was the ______ ______ kid at the ______.And the magazine must belong to DengWen. He _____ cats.

Boy1: Oh, and look, someone left a book.

Gir2: Oh,yeah… This book _______ _______.

Girl:Ok… and how about this CD.

Girl2:Hmmmm… The CD must belong to Grace. She ______ listens to ___________)music.


1.The new book isn’t mine. It b______ to Mary.

2.Hemingway is my favorite a_________.

3.Father always likes listening to c______ music.

4.last night, she went to the c_______with her father.They both like music.

5.At the p____, everyone had a good time.

6.This book _____ be Li Lei’s. Look! His name is on the cover.

7.Do you know the a____ of this novel? Maybe Lu Xun wrote it.

8.Tomorrow is Sunday. Shall we go for a p____?

9.Which school do you b_______?

10.can you guess the ___(own) of the backpack.


1. The teacher______ be in the office because the light is off.

A.might B. can’t C. mustn’t D. may.

2.___ Whose Chinese book is this?

____ It could be ______. He______ Chinese.

A.Tom. study B.Tom’s, studies. C. Tom’s , study D. Tom, studied

3.___ Must I finish my homework today?

____ No,you_____. A.must B. needn’t C. mustn’t D.need

4.There are trees on_____ sides. A.both B.either C. nether D.all

5.He must be very busy today,____? A.mustn’t he B.can’t he C.isn’t he D.aren’t you


1.That new car is my cousin’s.= That new car____ ____ my cousin’s

2.He must be a Canadian, __________ ___________?

课后练习:1.预习第二课时,并完成预习作业。 2. 熟记听力材料p130 1b

Unit 5 It must belong to Carla



1.掌握如下单词及短语band, hair band,possible

2.熟练掌握p35Grammar Focus 句型:


1.在括号内写出下列单词的含义,注意区别,然后完成课本P35 2c。

must(   ), might(   ), could(   ),can’t(   )

表示推测,做某事的可能性must 一定,肯定 might, could 可能 can’t 不可能

辨析 may, could, might 三者都表可能,可以。三者用于表建议或请求的疑问句,其与其的客气程度由低到高是:____ ______ ________ .其中 may表可以,可能,。Might表_____ .

Eg: 1.There are dark clouds in the sky. It _____ rain

2.---- I can’t find my pen.

-----That one ____ be yours.

3.It______ be John’s. It’s much too small for him.


She’s the only one who’s studying French.这是个—句,who’s studying French 是个——从句。修饰one. 这里one指的是______

One, that ,it的区别:one 代指的是___名____物。是代指____数。 Ones 代指的是复数。


It代指___名____物 1.Tom has a red pen and a green___ 2.The weather in China is different from _____ in Australia. 3. The book is mine. ____is very interesting.

3.区分too much_______ 后加——— eg: ___ ____ money

much too _______后加——— eg:____ ____ fat

1.This book _____ be Li Lei’s. Look! His name is on the cover.

2.Do you know the a____ of this novel?

Maybe Lu Xun wrote it.

3.Tomorrow is Sunday. Shall we go for a p_____?

4.Which school do you b_______?


Bob: Oh, look!________ backpack do you think this is ?

Anna: I don’t know.____, here’s a school T-shirt.

Bob: Well then, the person_____ go to our school. Oh!Here is a ____,____, so the person____be a boy.

Anna: ___could be Mei’shair band. She has long hair.

Bob:Or the hair band might___________Linda. She was_________, wasn’t she?

Anna: Yes she was. But then the backpack could belong to Rita.She’s always ___________ things.

Bob: Oh, look! Tennis balls.

Anna: Then it must be Linda’s ________. She has long hair _____she’s __ the tennis team.

Bob: You’re ______!



1.翻译 That’s ____ _____ ((太)expensive.

2. 这本法语书一定是李英的,她是我们班唯一一个正在学法语的人。

This French book __ _ __ _ Li Ying’s. Because she is the _ ___ one _____ studying French.

3. 这是谁的T恤衫?不会是吉姆的。因为对他来说太大了。

__ __ T-shirt is this? It __ ___ be Jim’s, because it’s ____ _ ____ big for him.

4. 你会弹吉它吗? Can you ___ __ __ ___ _____ __?


5.In order not to let teachers and parents down, we _____ study hard.

6. You ______ draw on the wall. It’s not good.

7.____ ( 必须) I do my homework now?

Yes, you _____.( No, you ____________________)

8.Need he go there?

Yes, he ____.(No, he ___________________)

9. This book must ________ Carla’s.

This book must _________ Carla.

10.__Your watch is quite nice. Where did you buy___?

___In Shanghai. Do you want to have____ like this?, one B, it, it C. One, it D. one, one

11..---They sports shoes must be Linda’s.

---No. they____be. They’re too small for her. A.mustn’t B.can’t C may not D.might not

12. She is a creative girl. She plays ___ guitar and __ football very well.

A. the,the B. the,a C. a,the D. the, /

13. Watching TV is __ bad for your eyes. He has __ friends.

He spends __ time with them. So he falls behind.

A. too many B. too much C. much too D. many too





1.交响乐 2.形成 3.最后的、最终的 4.所有者、业主

5.验光师 6.约会,约定 7.代数 8.关键的

9.忧虑的、焦虑的 10.烦恼的 11.牛津大学

12.代数考试 13.期末考

14.给他母亲的礼物 a present his mother

(二) 完P36 的任务:给句子排序,然后圈出你不知道的单词

(三) 按正确的顺序大声朗读3a,回答下列问题。

1. Who wrote the thank-you message?

2. Did Anna drop the backpack?

3. Who dropped the backpack?

4. Where might the backpack be?

5. Were Anna at home when Linda called her?

6. Is the math test crucial? Why?


A: What do you think “anxious” means?

B: Well, it _________(肯定不是) mean “happy”.

A: It _________ (可能) mean “worried”.

B: Oh, yes. She is worried ___________ ________ (因为) her test.


1. if you have any idea where it might be, piease call me.any 可以换成some吗?

改错:if there is some water in the glass, please drink it.

2. have any/some idea__________的意思,=________;have no idea_______的意思=————— 后可接of,再加名,代词。Eg: I have some idea __ this thing.

3. drop(v.)落下,掉下___ 的意思,=______ 还可作名词‘雨滴’讲。Eg: 一滴水______写出drop的短语 1.落后_____ 2.顺便拜访_______3.给某人写信_______

4. at one’s appointment_______的意思= _________5.crucial___的意思=_______ 6.fina的副词——

=_______ 7.anxious是_____(词性)常用短语是be anxious about_______ 的意思=__________

be anxious for___________的意思=______________ eg:He is anxious___(担心) your health。

I am anxious____ (急需)money.

8.mean (v.) ___的意思_____(名词形式)) 9.because of ______ 的意思后接____ _____ 等。而because后接句子.翻译以下句子:我来迟了,因为天气糟糕, eg:I am late ____ the bad weather= I am late____the weather was bad.=_____ the weather was bad, I am late .

达标练习:1.The old man can’t find his key, so he looks anxious. A.happy B. crucial C. worried D.lonely

句型转换:1.Mary is at Mr Wang’s appoint.= Marry____ ____ _____ ___ with Mr Wang.

2.If you have any idea what he did, please tell me.= Please tell me if ____ _____ what he did.


1.“ Anxious”_____ (mean) “worried”.

2.70% of water_____ (be ) dirty.

3.30% of students____(be) from Canada.

4Lu Xun is my favorite a ________. I have lots of his books.

5My dog is ill. I’m w ________ about him very much.

6.The little girl loves all kinds of t ________, such as stuffed animals, dolls. She has run out of her room to store them

7.I hope I can pass the f______ exam this term.

4.--Why were you late this morning?

---I was late____the bus. A.because B. so C. because of D.for.

名校立足课堂的练习题p24 第二课时



(SectionB 1a—1c and Self check)



(一) 默写下列单词,词组

1.追逐、追赶 2.天空 3.直升机 4.生物

5.赶上,跟上 4.跑步锻炼 5.catch_____(反义词)

短语1.赶公共汽车 2.带者一部相机的女人

5担心,小心————— 6.上车,飞机_________ 7.一阵怪味________

1.气味 2.手指 3.石头 4.举起、抬起

5.蚂蚁 6.假装 7.试图、企图 8.(狗等)吠声

9.happy (反义词) 10..important(反) 11.comfortable (反)

12.agree(反) 13.honest(反) 短语:14.耗尽________


(二) 看P37页的图片,然后用方框里的单词为每张图片写一个句子。试着给故事写个结尾。请写在P37 2a 的横线上。

(三) 完成p39的第一题

( 三)知识点引导:

1. could be running是情态动词+be+doing,表示对_____________的推测。

Eg:He must__ ___ basketball now.他现在肯定在打篮球。

Your parents might be ____ ___ you everywhere.你的父母可能在到处找你。

P39 : 1.get on_____的意思,反义词是_____ 试写出上小轿车_______ 下小轿车______

2._________ 是“当心,小心”的意思,后接___ ____ eg:__ ___ ___ the fire。当心火灾。

—————是表示“当心(不)做某事”。Eg:__ ___ ___ ___ be late.小心别迟到。

Be careful=____ =______(英语解释)

3.____ 动词,意为“假装”后常接__ ____ eg:He pretened not __ (see)you.

4.use up 表示________ = run out of 后接___ ___,但是代词放在use 与up 之间eg:I have __ __ the money.

5.attempt to do/doing= __________ 是_____ 的意思。Eg:He ___ ___ start a club.他试图开办一个俱乐部。

达标练习:1.同义句改写:1)Be careful not to fall into the hole.=_____ ____ not to fall into the hole.

2.She prentended to be honest= She prentened_____ _____ ___ ____.


1. look, how strange ! A man can _____(run) after an alien.

2. Hurry up, or we ________( not catch ) the bus.

3. XiMing is afraid of ____ (stay) at home alone.

4. You look _______( worry)。 What’s the matter?

5. There must be someone ____(visit) the homes in our neighborhood.

6. You can’t wake up a person who is ______ (pretend) to be asleep.

7. We don’t believe him because he’s _____(honest)

8. I don’t like staying with these children. They are quite__ ( noise)

9. He pretended______ (be) ill yesterday.

10. Be_____ (care) of the dog that doesn’t bark.

11. Reading is ____( help) to all of us but Tom is intrested in_______( play) computer games.


1.This hook ________ be Carla’s. Her name is on the book.

A.might B.could C.must D.can’t

2.Jack’s bike is blue, so this yellow one ________ be his.

A.mustn’t B.can’t C.couldn’t D.mightn’t

3.The guitar ________ belong to Alice. Only she plays the guitar here.

A.could B.must C.can’t D.can

4.—What do you think “upset” mean? —I’m not sure. It ________ mean sad,

A.must B.can C.might D.can’t

5.I’ll have a report ________ computer science next week. B.of C.on

6.This backpack must be ________. I saw her carry it yesterday.

A.Lucys B.Lucy C.Lucys’ D.Lucy’s

7.—Do you know the woman ________ a camera in her hand? —Sure. She’s my mum. B.with C.of

8.They called the police but didn’t find ________.

A.anything strange B.strange anything C.nothing strange D.strange nothing

9.The other day a strange thing ________ in our neighborhood.

A.happened B.was happened C.has happened D.happening

10.—Why do you think the man is running? —He could be ________ for exercise. B.ran C.running D.runs

第五课时(SectionB 3a---3c)


熟记p38的单词 unhappy, extremely,


Ability aims: Learn to make inferences(推测)


1.追逐、追赶 2.天空 3.赶上 4.访问、会见

5.喧闹声、嘈杂声 6.猴子 7.邻居 8.风

9.主管、主任 10.不快乐的 11.足迹、脚步声

12.垃圾 13.生物 14.逃跑、逃走

15.极其、非常 16.神秘的事物

从38找出下列词组:1.当地学校 2.极为担心 3.窗子外面__________4..报警 5.隔壁邻居 6.肯定有 __________7.逃离_______8.数不尽的纸____________ 9.奇怪的东西___________ 10.


1. Where is the article from?

2. What is the passage about?

3. What is the strange thing? What do the people think of it?

4.Careful Reading:

5.Match the words with phrases

wife could be an animal

Zhou Gu friends must be teenagers

himself having fun

parents might be the wind

Qi Hui might be a dog

5. Our neighborhood used to be very quiet. =___________________________

写出use 的相关短语:

1.used to do /get used to sth/doing sth_________________ used for doing sth used to do sth____________

6.Everyone in our neighborhood is worried, worried about sth_______


7.There must be something visiting the homes in our neighborhood (__________________)翻译

8.escape from_____的意思=_________eg: The thief escaped from the building. A. ran away B. walked about C. went away D. left along



Our neighborhood 1 be very quiet. However, these days, strange things are 2 in our neighborhood and everyone is 3 . Zhou Gu, the local school teacher is extremely worried. When he was 4 by the local newspaper, he said, “Every night we hear strange

noises 5 our window. My wife thinks that it 6 be an animal, but my friends and I think it 7 be teenagers having fun. My parents called the police, but they can’t find anything strange. They think it 8 be the wind. I don’t think so!”

Zhou’s next door neighbor Qi Hui is unhappy too. “At first, I thought it might be a dog, but I can’t see a dog and I still hear the noises outside.” Everyone in our neighborhood

is 9 and everyone has his or her ideas. There must be something 10 the homes in our neighborhood, but what is it?

Writing (3b: P38)




( )1.“___ I answer this question in English? ”“No, you ____. You ___ answer it in Chinese.”

A. May, needn’t, can B. Must, needn’t, may C. May, mustn’t, could D. Must, mustn’t, can

( )2. Liu Mei’s name is on the bag. It _____ hers. . was B. has been C. must be D. will be

( )3. Dick isn’t at school today. He ______ ill at home.

A. maybe B. might be C. was D. can’t be

( )4. My friend has lost his blue bike. This orange one _____ his.

A. must not be B. might be C. can’t be D. is must be

( )5. Who _____ this building belong to? A. is B. does C. was D. has

( )6. There is _______ snow and it’s _______ cold this winter.

A. too much, too much B. too much, much too

C. much too, much too D. much too, too much

( )7. This girl ______ very clever. A. used to be B. use to be C. used be D. used to is

( )8. “What are you _______? ”“I’m ______ my backpack, I can’t _____ it. ”

A. look for, find, look for B. finding, finding, look for

C. looking for, looking for, find D. finding, looking for, find

( )9. What _____ in Bell Tower Neighborhood this time yesterday?

A. happened B. was happened C. was happening D. is happening

( )10. “Maybe this coat is Li Xia’s ”means “______”.

A. This coat must be Li Xia’s B. This coat must belong to Li Xia

C. This coat can’t be Li Xia’s D. The coat may be Li Xia’s

( )11.“The volleyball must belong to Carla. ”means “_____”.

A. Carla’s name is on the volleyball B. Carla has a volleyball

C. The volleyball must be Carla’s D. That can’t be carla’s volleyball

( )12. Mark Twain is Mary’s _____ author. A. famous B. favorite C. different D. strange

( )13. I really need my ruler _____ I’ll have a math test on algebra tomorrow.

A. if B. when C. so D. because

( )14.“What do you think ‘terrified’ mean? ”I think it means “___”.

A. afraid B. happy C. glad D. sad

( )15. “______ magazine do you think it is? ”It must be Grace’s.

A. Where B. Which C. Whose D. How

( )16. A: Where’s Rose? B: I’m not sure. She _____ in the library.

A. is B. might be C. must be

( )17. A: My daughter just got a scholarship to Stanford! B: You ____ be proud of her.

A. could B. must C. might

( )18. A: How does Sheila get to school? B: I don’t really know. She _____ the bus.

A. might take B. takes C. must take

( )19. A: Is Myrna working in the city today? B: She _______. I’m not sure.

A. could B. could have C. could be

( )20. A: Does Lucia still share a house with his sister? B: I don’t know. He ______.

A. might be B. might C. might have


1. 你看到在地上的钱也许是上帝给你的压岁钱。

The money you ________ lying on the ground _________ __________the money for the new year from the God.

2. 这本新的英汉字典肯定属于吉姆。

This new ___________________ dictionary __________ __________ _________ Jim.

1. 由于大雨,他来晚了。He came late ___________ ________ the _________ __________.

4. 昨晚,在我的梦中我在无尽的试卷中漂浮。

Last night, in my dream I was ___________ in ________ __________ of paper.

5. 不要让昨天占去今天太多的时间(昨天的事昨天做,今天还有今天事)。

Don’t let yesterday _________ _________ too much of ___________.

6. 我好几天没看见我们的数学老师了。I _______ ________ our math teacher ______ several days.

7. If you _________ ________ _________(如果你知道) where it might be, please call me.


上星期天你班同学在老师带领下,去敬老院(nursing home)看望老人,同学们分头活动。为老人做了很多事。最后大家一起唱歌,度过了愉快的一天。

要求:1. 不能出项任何学校名称何学生姓名;

2. 所有的信息必须用上,可以适当发挥;

3. 条理清楚,语意连贯,句式规范,字迹工整:

Unit 5 It must belong to Carla(学案)


1.学习运用情态动词must, might, could, can’t进行推理

2. 能运用情态动词进行推测事物的归属.


4. 通过听说训练体验情态动词在句中的灵活运用.


(一) 默写下列单词、词组。

1.属于 2.作家、作者 3. 可能地、或许 4.谁的玩具汽车

5.郊游野餐 6.落下 7.交响乐 8.发带

9.她最喜爱的作者 10.唯一的小孩

11.古典音乐 12.流行音乐

13.属于 14.弹吉他



1. 这本法语书一定是李英的,她是我们班唯一一个正在学法语的人。

This French book _ _ _ Li Ying’s. Because she is the _ __one _____ studying French.

2. 这是谁的T恤衫?不会是吉姆的。因为对他来说太大了。

__ is this? It _ Jim’s, because it’s big for him.

3.你会弹吉它吗? Can you ___ __ __ ___ _ ?

4.这些是谁的钢笔? ? 它们是李明的。 .

5.那个双肩背包是谁?Whose ? Who ?

6. My backpack must _________ __________(仍然、还) at school.

7. 他们俩都打算去听音乐会。They ¬¬¬¬_______ _________ going to the concert.

8. 他们俩都踢足球,对吗? They ________ _________ soccer,don’t they?

9.我好几天没看见我们的数学老师了。I _____ _____ our math teacher ______ several days.

10. ______ _____ _(如果你知道) where it might be, . (请给我打电话)

A: What do you think “anxious” means?

B: Well, it _________(肯定不是) mean “happy”.

A: It _________ (可能) mean “worried”.

B: Oh, yes. She is worried ___________ ________ (因为) her test


1.This hook ________ be Carla’s. Her name is on the book.

A.might B.could C.must D.can’t

2.Jack’s bike is blue, so this yellow one ________ be his.

A.mustn’t B.can’t C.couldn’t D.mightn’t

3.The guitar ________ belong to Alice. Only she plays the guitar here.

A.could B.must C.can’t D.can

4.—What do you think “upset” mean? —I’m not sure. It ________ mean sad,

A.must B.can C.might D.can’t

5.I’ll have a report ________ computer science next week. B.of C.on

6.This backpack must be ________. I saw her carry it yesterday.

A.Lucys B.Lucy C.Lucys’ D.Lucy’s

7.—Do you know the woman ________ a camera in her hand? —Sure. She’s my mum. B.with C.of

8.They called the police but didn’t find ________.

A.anything strange B.strange anything C.nothing strange D.strange nothing

9.The other day a strange thing ________ in our neighborhood.

A.happened B.was happened C.has happened D.happening

10.—Why do you think the man is running? —He could be ________ for exercise. B.ran C.running D.runs

1.Lu Xun is my favorite a ________. I have lots of his books.

2.My dog is ill. I’m w ________ about him very much.

3.The little girl loves all kinds of t ________, such as stuffed animals, dolls. She has run out of her room to store them

4. I hope I can pass the f______ exam this term.

 威廉希尔app 初三英语教案


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