


以下是威廉希尔app 为您推荐的中考英语介词复习学案,希望本篇文章对您学习有所帮助。


一 中考要求

1.熟练掌握常用介词的基本用法(表示时间、 地点、 位置、 方式等)。如: in,on, at, of, to, from, by , with, for, about, after, before等。

2. 理解所学介词的一般用法。

二 练习


1. You’d better not go _______ the forest. It’s dangerous.

2. Which room are you going to live ______?

3. The building is ______ fire. There are some people ______ the top floor.

4. Before 1990 there was no airline _______ the two cities.

5. It’s not good to come late _______ school.

6. What’s wrong _______ your bike?

7. Thank you very much _______ coming to see me.

8. I couldn’t finish it _______ your help.

9. Don’t laugh _______ others’ mistakes.

10. Do the twins look _______ their father?


1. There are two classes _____ Wednesday afternoon.

A. At B. in C. on D. to

2. This programme was sent to the USA _____ China ______ satellite.

A. in; of B. of; in C. from; by D. by; from

The visitors _____ Japan arrived ______ Beijing Station last Tuesday morning.

A. from; at B. of; to C. from; to D. of; on

4. Here are some presents ______ you ______ our best wishes.

A. to; with B. for; with C. of; about D. for; for

5. Lily asked her brother, Mike, not to be angry ______ her.

A. in B. to C. with D. for

6. Is everyone here good _____ dancing?

A. at B. on C. to D. for

7. They arrived _____ Guangzhou _____ the morning of May 25.

A. at; in B. in; in C. in; on D. at; during

8. Children are often told not to play ______ fire.

A. on B. for C. with D. under

9. No one can stop her _____ going away.

A. of B. from C. to D. out of

10. The easer goes ______ one student ______ another.

A. from; for B. from; till C. from; after D. from; to

中考总复习-语法-介词 第二课时

一 中考要求

1.熟练掌握常用介词的基本用法(表示时间、 地点、 位置、 方式等)。如: in,on, at, of, to, from, by , with, for, about, after, before等。

2. 理解所学介词的一般用法。

二 知识点补充


a lot of a number of a piece of agree with

all kinds of be proud of be strict with belong to

break in bring up by accident by air

by day by the way call in call on

call up care for carry on carry out

catch up with check in check out come in

come on come to come up with compare to

compare with connect with deal with different from

far away fill…with fill in from now on

from then on from …to get along with get in

get on with get on give in give up

go by go on doing go on with go on

hand in hang on have fun with have to

hear of help oneself to help sb. with sth. hold on

hundreds of in a hurry in all in danger

in front of in order that/to in surprise in the end

in time instead of keep on knock at

laugh at lead to live on look for

look forward to look up make friends with millions of

next to on duty on show on time

ought to pass by pay for point to

put on refer to send for so as to

stand for talk about think of thousands of

try on turn on used to do sth. used to sth.

wait for write to

练习: 根据中文补全英文句子

1. 北京以长城闻名。

Beijing ________________ the Great Wall.

2. 我很高兴来这以后交了许多朋友。

I _____________________________________since I came here.

3. 汶川 地震后,人们现在正忙着建设自己的新家园。

After Wenchuan Earthquake, People ________________new homes now.

1. 过去那里有一棵大树。

There _____________be a big tree.

2. 他对集邮很感兴趣,以至于为此花费了大量的时间。

He is ______________ collecting stamps ______________ too much time on it.

3. 萨利每周向她的妈妈要五美元零花钱。

Sally _______________________________ five dollars every week.

4. 没有什么能够阻止战士们进入汶川。

Nothing could _________ the soldiers ______________Wenchuan.

5. 恐怕张华上学要迟到了。

I’m _____________Zhang Hua __________________school.

6. 听说你和比尔现在都忙着准被考试呢。

I hear from you and Bill _____________________ the exams.


I’m sorry ___________________school again.

12. 我们已为2008年奥运会做好了准备。

We _____________________________the2008 Olympics.

13. 李明昨天晚上直到妈妈回来才上床睡觉。

Li Ming __________________________________yesterday evening.

14. 不要害怕犯错误,因为没有人总是对的。

_________________________________because nobody is right all the time.

15. 有困难向警察求助。

_________________________ if you are _____________________.

 威廉希尔app 初三英语教案


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