九年级英语Have you packed yet教案



以下是威廉希尔app 为您推荐的九年级英语Have you packed yet教案,希望本篇文章对您学习有所帮助。

 九年级英语Have you packed yet教案

Section A

a beach vacation 海滩度假

sightseeing in a city 城市观光

bathing suit/ beach towels 泳装,浴袍/浴巾

a suit of clothes 一套衣服

pack sth/ the camera 打包某物/装相机

lock the windows 锁门

water the plants 给植物浇水

buy a travel guidebook/ street map 买一本旅行手册/一张街区地图

clean out the refrigerator/cupboard 洗冰箱/橱柜

clean up the park 清扫公园

put sth. in the garage/ suitcase 把……放在车库/小提箱里

do most of the jobs 完成大多数工作

in a minute=immediately=at once 立即/ 马上

=right away/now

feed the cat 喂猫

feed sb. with sth.= feed sth. to sb. 用……喂养/饲养……

feed on… 以……为食品

get back to +sp. 回到某地

get back to sb =answer the letter=reply to sb 给某人回信

do chores=do the housework 做家务

have many chores to do 有许多家务要做

take the dog for a walk 遛狗

go for a walk 去散步

have a walk with sb 和某人去散步

chat to/with sb 与某人聊天

chop wood/trees 木头/砍树

cut sth down 砍倒某物

light the fire for breakfast 生火做饭

collect the water from the well 从井中取水

live/work on the farm 住在农场/在农场工作

science project 自然科学作业

Section B

write original songs 写新颖的歌

win an award of any kind 获得…的奖项

have/ hold concerts 举办音乐会

be on TV/ appear on TV 上电视/在电视上出现

show up 出现

on the music scene 在音乐舞台

in the last/ past twelve years 在过去一年里

make a hit CD/movie 制作一张非常成功的CD/电影

make a music vedio 出音乐带

go on a world tour 进行环球巡回演出

lead singer/actor 主唱/主演

lead sb to do sth 引导某人做某事

play mostly one’s own songs 主要演奏自己的歌曲

in the top ten 前十名

have a number one hit 得第一名

be off=go away 离开

write a poem 写一首诗

Self check

find out 查明白, 弄清楚

It’s one’s turn to do sth. 轮到某人做某事

do sth in turns= take turns to do sth. 轮流做某事

get the mail from the mail box 从邮箱里收取邮件

a tall tree of long roots 有很长根的树

overseas Chinese 华侨

in search of roots 追述根源

local government 当地政府

so far 到目前为止

look for one’s families’ roots 寻找某人家族的根源

some parts in southern China=in the south of China 在华南的一些地区

go to their ancestors’ village 去他们祖先的村庄

experience the village life 体验乡村生活

drink from the well 从井中取水喝

do one’s daily activities 进行某人的日常活动

thanks to sb 多亏了某人

thank sb for doing sth 为…而感谢某人

believe in sb.= trust sb. 信任某人

believe sb. 相信某人说的话

the purpose of sth/doing sth 做某事的目的

step by step 一步一步

look forwards to sth./ doing sth. 期待某事/做某事

be/get ready for sth/doing sth 准备好做某事

= be / get ready to do sth.

a family tree 家谱 

 威廉希尔app 初三英语教案


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