In the library教案



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 In the library教案

ⅠTeaching Materials

1. Functional and notional items

Ask questions about something has done

2. Language Materials

Words: encourage, once, abroad, copy

Phrases: think of, encourage sb. to do sth., get sth. back, pick up

Sentences: Have you ever been abroad? Yes, just once.

I’ve just cleaned the kitchen.

Really? I did that hours ago.

Grammar: The difference between the present perfect tense and the past indefinite tense

ⅡTeaching Objectives

1. Learn to ask questions about something has done

2. Read the whole lesson fluently, and pronunciation and intonation should be right.

3. Master the following materials

(4 skills) Words: once, copy

Phrases: think of, pick up

Sentences: Have you been abroad? Yes, only once.

(3 skills) Words: encourage, abroad

Phrases: get sth. back, be abroad

Ⅲ Teaching Points

1. The main points: (1)&(2) in teaching objectives

2. The difficult points:

A. “ever, just, already”, they should be put in the middle of “ have done”

B. The difference between the present perfect tense and the past indefinite tense

Ⅳ Teaching Procedure

1. Organization of the class

Today, we’re going to learn Lesson 3. we’ll learn how to use the present perfect tense in it.

2. Revision

Before we go on to learn the new lesson, let’s go over what we learn in Lesson 2.

A. Oral

Grandma lost library books. If she really lose them, what should she do?

Did the librarian have any ideas? What is it?

What did they do

B. Workbook Ex2

3. The teaching of the new lesson

A. Lesson 3

Can Grandma get all her lost books back? Let’s go on to learn Lesson 3.

B. Read Part 1 and answer the following questions:

Did Grandma get all her lost books back?

How did she get them back?

C. Read and learn

*Think of:认为、 想起、想出

Eg: What do you think of it?

I often think of my friends in Beijing.

Can you think of any ideas to solve this problem.

*Encourage sb. to do sth.

Eg. The teacher thought a lot about how to encourage his students to study hard.

*Pick up: pick itthem up

*return sth. to sb.

*get sth. from sb.

D. Reading practice

E. Retell the story

F. Ask and answer

Have you ever picked up a library book? Yes, I have No, I haven’t.

Ask the students to ask and answer in pairs by using Part 2 and ask some to do it in class.

Teach: abroad, once

Do Wb. Ex1

G. Part 3

Play and English song

T: Have you ever listened to foreign music?

Ss: Yes, we have.

T: And we have just listened to it.

Make sentences by using “ I have just…”

Read and learn

Teach: copy

Point out the difference between the present perfect tense and the past indefinite tense.

The present perfect tense shouldn’t be used together with the past time.

H. Conclusion

 the use of “ever, just, already” in the present perfect tense

 the difference between the present perfect tense and the past indefinite tense

4. Homework

A. Wb. EX2&3

B. Go over the language points


Teaching objects: the tape for this lesson

Writing on the blackboard:

Lesson 3

encourage 1. think of: think of an idea= come up with an idea

once 2. encourage sb. to do sth.

abroad 3. pick up: pick sth. up= pick up sth.

copy 4. Have you ever been abroad?

Yes, just once.

5. I’ve just cleaned the house.

Really? I did that hours ago.

 威廉希尔app 初三英语教案


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