Unit 15 We’re trying to save the manatees



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 Unit 15 We’re trying to save the manatees

1. 语言目标

Debate an issue

2. 重点词汇

save gentle furry enormous playful aggressive gray spotted African strong mangrove swamp habitat aquatic feed underwater vegetation foot weigh pound against suitable tiny cage educate public urge recycle stuff material pull bottle glue roof discard tile fence can inspiration spare politely environment

care for pull down be made from

3. 关键句型

We’re trying to save the manatees!

I am like this animal…

They’re about 10 feet long and they weigh about 1, 000 pounds.

I don’t think so.

I disagree with you.

Recycling paper is easy.

But it’s hard to stop riding in cars.

4. 语法

复习现在进行时,一般现在时,一般过去时及used to的用法,被动语态和现在完成时。



1. save [seiv]vt. &vi. 抢救, 节省, 储蓄, 顾全。

【例】 (1)The doctors tried their best to save the patient’s life.


(2)Your kind help saved me a lot of trouble.


(3)Every month they have been trying to save 10 percent out of their monthly pay, so that in time they’ll be able to buy a computer.


(4)He said that just to save his face.


2. feed [fi: d] n. 饲料,牧草。作动词用表示“喂食物,供给”等意思。

【例】(1)There is enough feed for the animals.


(2)He feeds his horse on beans.


(3)The lake is fed by four big rivers.


(4)The bird refuses to feed.


(5)The stream feeds into a pond.


3. foot [fut]n. 英尺,脚,脚步,底部,它的复数是feet。它可作动词用。

【例】 (1)She has never set foot on American soil.


(2)He has a light foot.


(3)The village lies at the foot of a green hill.


(4)The road is twenty feet long.


(5)We missed the last bus and had to foot it.


(6)They told me to foot up the account.


(7)He footed the bill for us all.


(8)The expenses footed up to four hundred Canadian dollars.


4. weigh [wei]vt. & vi. 称……重量,考虑,重压,有影响等。它的名词是weight。

【例】 (1)She weighed two apples in her hand and gave me the bigger one.


(2)Young people sometimes do things before weighing the consequences.


(3)The branches of the apple tree were weighed down by the fruit.


(4)The airplane weighs five tons unloaded.


(5)Your eloquence will not weigh with us.


(6)Her illness weighed on her husband’s mind.


(7)Vegetables are sold by weight.


(8)Her success in the examination was a great weight off her father’s mind.


(9)It has some weight with me.


5. pull[pul]vt. &vi. 拉, 牵, 拔, 吸引。可作名词用,它的反义词是push。

【例】(1)She pulled the door open.


(2)I pulled at the handle but the door didn’t open.


(3)They vie with each other in pulling more votes for themselves.


(4)He took a pull at the bottle.


(5)It was a long pull along the Great Wall to the beacon tower on the peak.


(6)A good education gives a man a great pull.


(7)Why do you push against me?


(8)The strikers pushed for higher wages.


6. discard [dis′ka: d] vt. 丢弃,放弃。

【例】 (1)He discarded the old dictionary for a new one.


(2)Such die-hards will be discard by history.


(3)We should discard the dross and select the essential.


7. can[k n]n. 罐头。作动词用表示“装罐头”,此外它可作情态动词用,后跟动词原形。

【例】(1)He bought two cans for his daughter.


(2)Turtle meat is canned and sold as a delicacy.


(3)He can sing and play the piano at the same time.


(4)What he said can be true.


(5)You can’t say such things to a friend.


8. environment [in′vai r nm nt]n. 环境

【例】 (1) They live in a quiet environment.


(2)We must protect our environment.


(3)This is a true story of man’s struggle with his environment.



1. 形容事物的大小、长宽等

How big are manatees?

They’re about 10 feet long and they weigh about 1, 000 pounds.

2. 表示赞同或不赞同

I don’t think so.

I disagree with you.

I agree with you.

3. 表示像似或喜欢

I’m like the animal…

You’re like an elephant.

You’re like a manatee.

I like to eat vegetables.



1. 现在进行时

【例】(1)We’re waiting for you.


【例】(2)Are you feeling better now?


2. 一般现在时

【例】 (1)He goes to school every day except Sunday.


(2)Marx is a great man.


(3)The old man said the sun rises in the east.


3. 一般过去时及used to 的用法

【例】 (1)I stayed there for two days.


(2)Tom joined the army in 1994.


(3)We used to swim every day.


(4)They used to have four meals a day.


4. 被动语态的用法

【例】 (1)A thief has been caught by them.


(2)His homework was being done.


(3)A letter was written to me.


(4)He is regarded as our father.



【例】 (1)We haven’t finished the work yet.


(2)The telephone has rung four times in the last two hours.


(3)For the last month the weather has been nice.



1. 复习巩固一般现在时, 一般过去时, 现在进行时和现在完成时。

2. 复习巩固被动语态,尤其要注意被动语态在各种时态中的应用。

3. 本单元中出现的常用词和短语,如:save, environment及care for和be made from的用法。

4. be trying to do sth. , I don’t think so. 等句型的用法。

5. 关注动物的生存环境。

6. 学会如何进行环保,环保必须从我做起,人人有责。



1. We’re trying to save manatees!


try to do sth. 尽力做某事; try doing sth. 尝试着做某事。

【例】 (1)They tried to solve the problem.


(2)They are trying using another method.


注 try one’s best=do one’s best 是“竭尽全力”的意思,后跟不定式。

【例】(1)I’ll do/try my best to do the work well.


(2)You should try/do your best to improve your spoken English.


(3)He did his best to run faster, but he failed.


2. You’re like an elephant.


be like “像……一样”,有时用look like“看起来像”。like是介词;like作动词用是“喜欢”。

【例】(1)Your daughter looks like a basketball player.


(2)That’s just like him.


(3)I can’t tell what a spaceship is like.


(4)He doesn’t like tomatoes.


3. I’ve visited a lot of zoos in my life.


in one’s life“一生,一辈子”;a lot of=lots of。

【例】(1)Lei Feng did lots of good deeds for the people in his life.


(2)They have saved a lot of animals in their lives.


4. The animals are kept in tiny cages and can hardly move at all.

动物被关在小笼子里, 几乎一点都不能动。


【例】(1)He hardly ever goes to bed before midnight.


(2)I could hardly believe my eyes when he suddenly appeared.


(3)The loaf is as hard as a brick.


(4)He isn’t afraid to take on hard jobs.


(5)The teacher worked hard to prepare his lecture.


(6)He looked hard at me all the while.


5. I don’t think so.


I think so.



I think so. →I don’t think so.

I am afraid so. →I am afraid not.

I hope so. →I hope not.

I believe so. →I don’t believe so. /I believe not.

6. They won’t have enough money to take care of so many fine animals.


enough修饰形容词或副词时要后置;enough后跟不定式表示能够做某事。take care of=look after。

【例】 (1)He has enough time to do the work.


(2)Three comrades are quite enough for the job.


(3)We have enough to do to finish the job on time.


(4)He is always ready enough to help us.


(5)His job is to take care of the Diesel engine.


(6)Here, let me take care of the cleaning.


(7)You must look after yourself well.


(8)The children must be looked after well.


7. I stopped using them last year.


stop doing sth. 是“停止做某事”,而stop to do sth. 则是“停下来去做某事”。

【例】 (1)We must never stop studying English.


(2)The baby stopped crying when he saw his mother.


(3)We’re so tired. Let’s stop to have a short rest.


(4)He stopped to talk with me.


8. I agree with you.


agree是“同意,取得一致的意见”的意思。agree作及物动词时,后常跟名词,不定式或that从句。其可单独使用,也可和介词to, with, on等连用,agree on用在被动结构中,以事物作主语时,表示“(某事)是大家同意的”意思,on有时可省略。

【例】 (1)Can we agree the price?


(2)I agree that your suggestions is quite good.


(3)I really can’t agree with you.


(4)We agreed on the date for the meeting.


(5)After a short time, the program was agreed (on).


(6)He has agreed to our plan for the holiday.


9.You have probably never heard of Amy Winter before.


hear of “听说”,而hear from “得到……消息”。

【例】 (1)Most of the children have heard of Snow White.


(2)I heard of (about) it long ago.


(3)You will hear about this later.


(4)Do you often hear from your brother?


(5)It has been long since I heard from her last.


10. The walls are made from old glass bottles…


be made from…“由……制成”,一般来说其制成品中已看不出原材料,这里表示“由……构成”。be made后可跟很多介词,如:from, in, by, into, with等,组成不同含义的短语。

【例】(1)The bridge is made of stone.


(2)The wine is made from rice.


(3)This kind of TV sets is made in Hefei.


(4)This ladder is made by Mr Li.


(5)Metal can be made into all kinds of things.


(6)Bikes are made with machines by the workers.


(7)The dress was made (out) of that material.





1. Last year Tom (award) the first prize in the university.

2. He said she (work) as a reporter since 1998.

3. — you (hear) about Dr Norman Bethune?

—Of course. Everyone is China (know) about this famous

Canadian doctor. He (help) us in the Anti-Japanese War. He

(always, remember)by us Chinese people.

解析 答案:1. was awarded 本题时间状语是last year,可知句子应用过去时态,且只说明一个事实,因此用一般过去时态。由于主语Tom 是被授奖的对象,所以用被动语态。

2. had worked 因为有since 1998,宾语从句应用现在完成时态,但宾语从句在此是作主句谓语动词said的宾语,所以现在完成时得改为过去完成时。

3. Have, heard, knows, helped, will always be remembered



E-mailing is much than long-distance calling.

A. cheap B. cheaper C. cheapest D. the cheapest

解析 答案:B 本题主要考查比较级。句中有than,得用比较级,且空前还有修饰比较级的 much。意思是“发邮件比打长途电话便宜得多”。


发散1 单项选择填空

( )1. I am building a new zoo in our city.

A. against

B. again

C. angrily

D. friendly

( )2. Tom recently an award from the school.

A. winned

B. won

C. winning

D. had won

( )3. They are like textbooks for us students.

A. to live

B. lived

C. living

D. lives

( )4. We think animals in forest.

A. shouldn’t live

B. should live

C. lives

D. living

( )5. His father a worker in that factory.

A. uses to be

B. used is

C. used to being

D. used to be

解答:答案:1. A 本题根据题意不是进行时态,再则把B、C、D放入意思也不对,此题中的building 不是现在分词,而是动名词,作介词against的宾语。

2. B 最近获奖,应用一般过去时态,且win是不规则动词,它的过去形式是won。

3. C 本题中的like是介词,那么它后面如果跟动词,该动词应是动名词形式,作它的宾语。

4. B 根据题意“动物应生活在森林里”,该用should live。

5. D 本题主要考查used to do的用法,其他填入都不对。

发散2 根据汉语完成句子

1. 我们一天给他们喂四次食。

We give them .

2. 动物园对动物来说是可怕的居住场所。

Zoos are terrible places .

3. 我们大家都反对在湖边建工厂。

We’re all factories the lake.

4. 不用小汽车是很难的事。

It’s hard to stop .

5. 废物再利用是件好事。

is really a good thing.

解析 答案:1. food four times a day 2. for animals to live 3. against building…by 4. riding in cars 5. Recycling waste things


发散3 写出四个由下列词构成的词组

1. turn

2. send

3. be

4. fall

5. on

6. all

解析 答案:

1. turn down, turn up, turn on, turn off

2. send away, send up, send off, send for

3. be afraid of, be angry with, be busy with, be made of

4. fall off, fall asleep, fall behind, fall over

5. on and on, on show, on time, on top of

6. all one’s life, all over, all right, all out


短文改错 在错处划线,将正确答案写在后面的横线上

They had a very well journey home. Jim 1.

sitted beside the window, but he didn’t see 2.

much during his flight, why there were too many 3.

clouds. Mrs Green sleept almost the whole way. 4.

They stopped at Moscow on the way, but 5.

only for an hour or two, so there were no time 6.

to go into the center of the city. Jim doesn’t 7.

mind, because it was really cold on Moscow. 8.

There was thick snow anywhere. Nobody liked 9.

to go inside in the bad weather. 10.

解析 答案1. well改为good 这里是作定语,well作副词用的情况较多,主要是作状语。

2. sitted 改为sat sit 是不规则动词,它的过去式是sat。

3. why改为because 这里引导的是原因状语从句,所以该用because。

4. sleept改为slept sleep 是不规则动词,它的过去式为slept。

5. at 改为in 因莫斯科是个大地方,该用in。

6. were改为was 因主语time 是不可数名词,所以谓语动词该用单数形式。

7. doesn’t改为didn’t 根据上下文理解,这里该用过去时态。

8. on改为in on表示在物体的表面上。

9. anywhere改为everywhere 此处指“到处”。

10. inside改为outside或out 这里指恶劣的天气里,人们不愿外出。



1. My brother went to college three years ago. (改为同义句)

three years my brother went to college.

2. It was so interesting a film that all of us saw it three times. (改为同义句)

It was interesting that all of us saw it three times.

3. Both you and Mr Zhang are going to work on the farm for a week. (改为否定句)

you Mr Zhang going to work on the farm for a week.

4. Uncle Wang has worked here since twenty years ago. (对划线部分提问)

has Uncle Wang worked here?

5. Students must do homework every day. (改为被动语态)

Homework by students every day.

解析 答案1. It is… since 用表示一段时间的句型来表示上句中的时间段。

2. such an …film such…that与 so …that 同义,所不同的是such 修饰名词,such和名词之间可插入不定冠词;so修饰形容词或副词,原句中so后紧跟形容词,而将不定冠词放在形容词之后。

3. Neither…nor…is both…and 的全部否定应用neither…nor, neither…nor连接两个主语时,谓语须跟后面的主语在人称和数上保持一致。

4. How long 询问时间长度用how long,表示多久、多长时间。

5. must be done含有情态动词的被动语态,助动词be要用原形。



A:Hello, Ann.

B: Hello, Wuling. You 1 look well. What’s the 2 ?

A: I’ve got a headache and a cough.

B: 3 you seen the 4 ?

A: No, I’ve taken my 5 . It 6 to be all right. Nothing 7 , I think.

B: Maybe You’ve 8 a bit of a cold. You’d 9 take some medicine and drink more water. You’ll be well soon 10 a good rest.

A: I think so. Thank you very much. Goodbye.

B: Bye.

解析 根据上下文的意思,补全对话,每空只填一词,使其完整达意。这类试题在某种程度上来讲比“七选五”式对话还要难些,后者是客观性选择填空补全对话,本题是主观性限制填词补全对话。解这类题一是根据所设情景、特别注意上下文的关系及句、段意,二是要填写正确单词,本题主要讲的是求医治病的一段对话。

答案 1. don’t 2. matter 3. Have 4. doctor 5. temperature 6. seems 7. serious 8. caught 9. better 10. after



A Greedy Man

Mr Smith lived in a town by the sea. He has a few shops in the centre there. He managed(管理)them carefully and got a lot of money. He was very rich but he didn’t think he was the richest in the town. So he tried to get more money. Once Mr Smith was asked to dinner. He heard there was a circus troupe(马戏团)in the town which had nothing strange except a five-legged (五只腿的)cow. But people were interested in it and most of them went to see it.

On his way home, Mr Smith heard an old man saying there lived a lot of one-eyed(一只眼)persons on an island. “Oh, dear! ”the greedy(贪婪的)man thought to himself, “If I catch a one-eyed man and show him all over the country, I’ll get much money! ”

After he got home, he told his sons to manage the shops instead of him and he went to look for the island, without telling anybody about it. At last he reached the island and saw some one-eyed children. He was to happy that he rushed towards the youngest one and carried him on his back. But he didn’t know the danger was coming to him. A few one-eyed men ran to him with knives in their hands. He threw the child to the ground and was hurrying off, but it was too late. They caught him and showed him on the island because only he had two eyes there!

1. Mr Smith was a rich s .

2. Mr Smith h a lot of money but he wanted to get richer.

3. Most people in the town v the five-legged cow.

4. Mr Smith thought the old man’s story was t .

5. Mr Smith thought he found out a w to get much money.

6. Mr Smith didn’t tell anybody because he was a someone would know the secret.

7. Mr Smith chose the youngest child because he thought it was e to take away.

8. The people on the island had n seen a man with two eyes. So Mr Smith was on show there.

解析 答案:1. 从“He has a few shops in the center there. ”来看,应当填写shopkeeper。

2. 从“He managed carefully and got a lot of money. ”可以看出,他有很多钱。故应填had。

3. “But people were interested in it and most of them went to see it. ” 已告诉我们,要填visited。

4. 从后来M r Smith去那座岛上抓一只眼的人就能知道,他认为那个故事是真的,应填true。

5. 从Mr Smith在听到老头讲的故事以后的想法,说明他认为找到了一条致富的途径,应填way。

6. Mr Smith没有把计划告诉任何人,当然是怕别人也知道这个秘密。故应填afraid。

7. 从前面所讲的Mr Smith让儿子代替他管理商店,说明他的年纪不小。因此,他要带着小孩离开那个岛屿,就得挑选最小的小孩,以便很容易脱身。所以应当填easy。

8. 由“They caught him and showed him on the island because only he had two eyes there! ”就能知道,岛上的人从来没有见过两只眼的人。因此应填never。


本单元是教材最后一个单元,着重复习前面的内容,它重点复习了现在进行时、一般现在时、一般过去时及used to的用法、被动语态和现在完成时等。在复习时态和语态的同时,学习了一些常用词语和习惯用法。此外本单元还再现了动名词作主语、动词不定式的句法功能以及宾语从句等,还介绍了be made 后跟各种介词的用法。除此本单元还讲述了如何保护动物,认为动物应放入大自然。强调了废物的回收再利用,此举对环境保护有特别重要的意义。通过本单元学习,我们应认识到动物是人类的朋友,环保人人有责。


1. 定语从句中先行词只用that不用which的情况

1)先行词为all, everything, nothing, something, anything, little, much等不定代词时。

【例】 (1)I am sure she has something (that) you can borrow.


(2)He saw much that was bad.


(3)Everything (that) we saw was of great interest to us.


2)先行词被all, every, no, some, any, little, much修饰时。

【例】 I’ve read all the books that you gave me.



【例】 (1)This is the best novel that I have ever read.


(2)This is the first composition that he has written in English.


4) 先行词被the only, the very, the same, the last修饰时。

【例】 (1)That’s not the only thing (that) we’re missing.


(2)The last place that we visited was the museum.



【例】He talked about the teachers and schools that he had visited.



【例】 Who is the person that is standing at the gate?




2)斟酌关系词,译出“的”字结构。汉语中“……的”是定语从句的基本特点,关系词的选择要看主句中的先行词。如先行词指人,就要用who, whom或that等;先行词指物,就要用 which,

that, when或where等。所以翻译定语从句时,要先回头看先行词,然后再运用适当的关系词。



3. 定语从句

关系代词 例 句

that在从句中作主语或宾语 指物 (1)A plane is a machine that can fly. (作主语)

(2)The noodles (that) I cooked were delicious. (作宾语)

指人 (1)Who is the man that is reading the book over there? (作主语)

(2) The girl (that) we saw yesterday is Jim’s sister. (作宾语)


在从句中作主语或宾语 指物 (1)They planted the trees which didn’t need much water. (作主语)

(2)The fish (which) we bought were not fresh. (作宾语)

who, whom在从句中分别作主语和宾语 指人 (1)The foreigner who visited our class yesterday is from Canada. (作主语)

(2)The boy who broke the window is called Tom. (作主语)

(3)The person to whom you just talked is Mr Li. (作宾语)

(4)Mrs Read is the person to whom you should write. (作宾语)

关系副词 例 句


指时间 (1) I still remember the day when I first came to Beijing.

(2)I’ll never forget the time when we worked on the farm.

where指地点 (1) This is the house where we lived last year.

(2)The factory where his father works is in the west of the city.


1. 本单元所复习的时态、语态在中考中的选择题和阅读理解题中会出现。

2. 本单元所复习的宾语从句、定语从句。

3. 不定式和动名词的句法功能。

4. be made of后跟各种介词的用法及含义。

5. 本单元学的常用词和短语。

6. 如何保护动物以及如何回收废物并进行再利用,以此来更好地保护我们的环境。


【例1】 My watch doesn’t work. I must have it .

A. repaired

B. repairs

C. repair

D. repairing


赏析 答案:A 本题主要考查have的使用方法,have+宾语(名词或代词)+过去分词,表示“叫别人做某事”,而“别人”在文中不会出现。过去分词内含宾语被“别人”……。

【例2】 She does the housework every day. (改为否定句)

She the housework every day.


赏析 答案:doesn’t do本题主要考查助动词的使用,此题中does是实义动词,构成否定句须借用动词do, 但本句的主语是第三人称单数,助动词应变为does, 用了助动词does后面的谓语动词用原形do。本题特别注意的是不能把do丢掉了。

【例3】 worth的用法。


【例】 (1)That’s worth more than two million yuan in China.


(2)I don’t think it worth the trouble.


2)worth doing sth. 意为“有做……的价值”,它用主动形式表示了一个被动的含义;表示“很值得做……”用well worth doing sth.

【例】 (1)Is the museum worth visiting?


(2)The film is well worth seeing.



【例】 (1)That picture is of little worth.


(2)She is a woman of great worth.


4)worthy是worth的形容词形式,意为“有价值的,了不起的,值得的。”但要注意,它不能单独作表语,常用的搭配有be worthy to be done和be worthy of doing sth. 。

【例】 The film is worthy to be seen.

=The film is worthy of being seen.

这部电影值得一看。(相当于The film is worth seeing. )

【例4】 wonder的用法。


【例】(1)I wonder to see her there.


(2)They are wondering when to go.


2)wonder 还可以跟一个特殊疑问句或if引导的从句。

【例】(1)He wondered what his travel path would be like.


(2)I wonder what time it is.


(3)We wonder if we could see you again.



【例】I wonder that you weren’t badly hurt.




Ⅰ. 根据首字母和英语解释写出单词

1. g having a colour of black mixed with white

2. s with a powerful body; able to make other people do what you want

3. a in opposition to

4. c something like a box with wires or bars, in which birds or animals may be kept

5. r to put or pass through a cycle again, as for further treatment

6. p move sth. strongly towards

7. b glass or plastic container with a narrow neck, for holding liquids

8. e the surroundings of one’s life

Ⅱ. 选择填空

( )1. He was to find the book was lost.

A. surprise

B. surprised

C. surprising

D. to surprise

( )2. He is to help us with our work.

A. enough kind

B. kind enough

C. too kind

D. kind too

( )3. We can help to educate the public the environment.

A. about caring for

B. on to care for

C. about take care of

D. on to look after

( )4. The dangerous building now.

A. is being pulled down

B. is been pulled down

C. is pulling down

D. was pulling down

( )5. The bridge is made stone.

A. from

B. with

C. of

D. into

( )6. He made model toys old televisions and radios.

A. from

B. into

C. out of

D. by

( )7. At school, everyone called out of class.

A. Xiao Li him

B. Xiao Li to him

C. him to Xiao Li

D. him Xiao Li

( )8. What three things you supposed to do?

A. is, are

B. were, are

C. are, were

D. are, are

( )9. It’s not very suitable this hot weather.

A. for

B. to

C. on

D. about

( )10. The windows and doors old buildings.

A. came of

B. came from

C. made from

D. made of

Ⅲ. 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空

1. It’s an (hour) ride from here to the museum.

2. December is the (twelve) month of the year.

3. The cat is washing (it) face. Isn’t it funny?

4. China is one of the countries with the (long) history.

5. He has brought us all the (photo) we took when were in Anqi.

6. I like her dress. It looks very . (China)

7. Who was the (win) in the girls’ 100-metre race.

8. Though it was raining (hard), the policeman was standing at the crossing.

Ⅳ. 情景对话, 从方框中选出最佳答案补全对话

Du: Hello, Yu Li!

Yu: Hi, Du Qi. 1

Du: Yes. Will it last long?

Yu: Yes. 2

Du: Then we can’t go out this Sunday again. I hate that.

Yu: So do I. 3

Do: What’s the name?

Yu: The Atlantic.

Du: Really? 4

Yu: Yes, Now China has become a member of the WTO, we can see this kind of VCD more quickly than before.

Du: Oh, I see. 5

Yu: All right. Let’s watch it together now.

Ⅴ. 句型转换: 根据上句的意思填空, 完成下句, 使两句意思一致

1. This is the most enjoyable journey that I have ever heard of.

I have heard of an enjoyable journey before.

2. Hot dogs are not so delicious as sandwiches.

Hot dogs are delicious sandwiches.

3. Her father bought the car three months ago.

Her father the car for three months.

4. It’s good for your health to take exercise often.

exercise often can make you .

5. All the books cost me 365 yuan.

I 365 yuan all the books.


Ⅰ. 根据汉语完成句子

1. 你们在业余时间都干些什么?

What do you do ?

2. 一座木桥正在建设中。

A wooden bridge .

3. 保护环境是十分重要的事。

is very important.

4. 他几乎不相信他所见到的。

He believe he saw.

5. 她没有到上学的年龄。

She is to go to school.

6. 她祖母过去是一位著名的历史老师。

Her grandma a history teacher.

Ⅱ. 用所给词的适当形式填空

1. The two travellers are (Canada). They (like) the hotel they are in because it is too noisy and they are unable to fall (sleep).

2. She lives in a (north) city of our country. It’s (real) cold in winter there.

3. What a (love) day! Look at the sun, it’s shinning (bright)

4. Thomas Edison was a great (invent), he (invent) many (use) things in his life. And some of the (invent) have changed the world greatly.

5. It is said that chimpanzees many years ago. Scientists try to explain their , but they can’t. (appear)

Ⅲ. 完形填空

I was in town yesterday. I decided to 1 at the bank to see Jane. I thought she might have 2 to go for lunch with me.

When I got to the bank, 3 told me she had just been out. I 4 them if she would be back by 11: 30 or 11: 45, and I was told yes. I had some time, 5 I decided to wait for her. I walked over to take a seat 6 the window. I watched everyone coming in. It was 12: 30, and I was 7 she couldn’t come back until after lunch. I got up, and as I started to walk to the door, someone 8 my name. I turned around and was surprised to find 9 was Jane. She said she had not left her office all the 10 .

( )1. A. stop B. pass C. look D. meet

( )2. A. friends B. a holiday C. time D. money

( )3. A. who B. she C. he D. they

( )4. A. told B. asked C. spoke to D. said to

( )5. A. then B. but C. and D. so

( )6. A. by B. on C. from D. to

( )7. A. sad B. sure C. believed D. certainly

( )8. A. cried B. shouted C. called D. asked

( )9. A. she B. this C. that D. it

( )10. A. day B. morning C. afternoon D. evening

Ⅳ. 阅读理解

According to the following three ads, choose the best answer.

( )1. If the readers have an English Coaching Paper of March 3, 1996, he will get a small present .

A. every day

B. from English Coaching Paper

C. on March 19, 1996

D. on February 3, 1996

( )2. If a British editor has worked in China for three years and comes to English News Paper office to ask for the job on time, he will .

A. get the job

B. not get the job

C. be a good editor

D. be useless

( )3. Where and when will the football match be?

A. In Guo’an on February 8.

B. In Hongkou Stadium on February 3.

C. In Hongkou Stadium on Sunday.

D. In Shenhua Stadium on February 8.

( )4. If three adults (成人)and six students want to watch the match, the tickets will cost RMB yuan.

A. 195

B. 135

C. 225

D. 165

( )5. Which of the following is wrong?

A. In ten days, the second piece of ad will be useless.

B. The telephone number of English News Paper is 3890666.

C. The match is between Beijing Team and Guo’an Team.

D. Xu Genbao is a coach.

Ⅴ. 书面表达,根据汉语提示写一篇短文




Ⅰ. 1. gray(grey) 2. strong 3. against 4. cage 5. recycle 6. pull 7. bottle 8. environment

Ⅱ. 1. B 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. C 6. C 7. D 8. D 9. A 10. B

Ⅲ. 1. hour’s 2. twelfth 3. its 4. longest 5. photos 6. Chinese 7. winner 8. hard

Ⅳ. 1. C 2. D 3. G 4. F 5. A

Ⅴ. 1. never, such 2. less, than 3. has, had 4. Taking, healthy/strong 5. spent, on/paid, for


Ⅰ. 1. in your spare time 2. is being built 3. Taking care of the environment 4. can hardly…what 5. not old enough 6. used to be…famous

Ⅱ. 1. Canadians, dislike, asleep 2. northern, really 3. lovely, brightly 4. inventor, invented, useful, inventions 5. appeared, appearance

Ⅲ. 1. A 2. C 3. D 4. B 5. D 6. A 7. B 8. C 9. D 10. B

Ⅳ. 1. B 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. C

Ⅴ. One day it was raining heavily. Li Lei saw an old woman standing under a tree on his way home. He gave his rain coat to her. The old woman thanked him and said he was a nice boy. When Li Lei got home, he was wet all over, but he was very happy.

威廉希尔app 初三英语教案



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