


以下是威廉希尔app 为您推荐的新目标九年级英语上册全册教案,希望本篇文章对您学习有所帮助。


教 学 目 标


技能 1. Listening practice using the target language.

2. Oral practice usin g the target language.


方法 1. According to listening to train students’ listening skill.

2.According to oral practice to train students’ speaking skill.




重点 1. Listening practice using the target language.

2. Oral practice using the target language.


难点 Train students’ l istening skill and speaking skill.

教学内容及问题情境 学生活动 设计意图

Step1 Revision

1. Dictate some vocabulary words in units 1~5.

2. Choose four or five words. Encourag e students to make sentences with them.

Step 2 Presentation.


1. Check that they understand what they need to do by having one or two students complete other answers.

2. Ask the student s to do the crossword individually or in pairs.

3. Check the answers.


1.Explain to students that they need to write clues like the clues for the crossword in activit y 1a.

2.Ask the students to work in pairs.

Ⅲ. 2a

1.Ask the students to pay attention to the four pictures.

2.Play the recording ,students listen and match the conversations with the correct pictures by writing the numbers in the boxes.

3.Check the answers.


1.Set a time limit of two minutes. Students go through the lists of questions.

2.Ask t he students to listen to the same recording again, complete the four different questions next to the pictures in Activity 2a.

3.Let students check their answers in pairs, and then with the whole class.

Ⅴ. 2c

1.Read the instructions to the class.

Point out the sample conversation in the box. Invite a pair of students to read it to the class.

2.Ask the students to work with a partner and use the information in activity 2b.

3.Ask several pairs of students to say their conversations to the class.

Step 3 Summary

Train students’ listening skill and speaking skill.

Step 4 Homework


Write some vocabulary on their exercise book ,and make sentences with some of them.

Read the cl ues and complete the crossword.

Choose words from units 1-5 and write a clue for each word . Read the clues to your partner. He or she guesses the words.

Listen and match the conversations with the correct pictures by writing the numbers in the b oxes.

Listen again . Complete the four different questions next to the pictures in Activity 2a.

Role play ,

Practice the conversations in activity 2b with their partner.






计 Review of units 1~5

The First Period

Target Language:

A: What would you do if you saw a big bicycle accident?

B: If I saw a bicycle accident I would...

威廉希尔app 初三英语教案



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