


以下是威廉希尔app 为您推荐的 牛津英语9A全册教案,希望本篇文章对您学习有所帮助。


Period One Comic strips and Welcome to the unit

Learning Activities

Learning aims

1. To identify the symbols that represent the star signs.

2. To learn the names of the symbols that represent the star.

Teaching procedures

Activity One Preview

I. New words (写出下列单词的划线部分的音标、词义和词性)

1. star sign ______________________ 2.bull ______________________

3. centaur______________________ 4. crab ______________________

5. ram ______________________

II. The usage of some important phrases and sentences

1. What’s your star sign?

star sign中文意思___________, 和中国的十二生肖相似,只不过它是按照出生的日期来划分,而中国的十二生肖是根据出生的年份来决定的。另外,star 常用复数stars 来表示人的“星宿,命星”。

You should read your stars.

2. It’s nice of you to bring me the newspaper, Hobo.

It’s +adj. + of sb. to do sth. 这种句型用来表示 ________________________。与 It’s +adj. +for sb. to do sth. 不同的是:It’s +adj. + of sb. to do sth. 这种句型sb 和 adj.之间存在一种_____________,而It’s +adj. +for sb. to do sth. 这种句型sb 和 adj.之间不存在_______________。

It’s very kind _______ you to help me with my English.

It’s necessary _______ you to take an umbrella with you.

3. You shouldn’t worry about not having breakfast.

worry about (not) doing sth. 意思为_______________________

We worry about not __________ (catch) the early train to Nantong.

The students are worried about ___________ (lose) the match.

Activity Two Welcome to the unit

Step One Free talk

1. Which animal do you like best? What animal sign are you?

2. Do you know all animal signs? What are they?

3. But in western countries, people use a different way. Do you know what it is?

Animal sign is based on the ______ that you were born in, but star sign is based on the ______ that you were born in.

Step Two Finish Part A on P 7 and check them

Play a game: Guess what the animal is.

1. It lives in rivers and uses its fins and tail to swim. ____________

2. It is large, yellow and brown animal of the cat family, mainly living in Africa

and parts of Southern Asia. The male has long, thick hair around its neck.


3. It is a creature in ancient Greek stories, with a man’s head, arms and upper body

on a horse’s body and legs. ___________

4. It is a sea creature with a shell, eight legs and two large pointed arms for

catching things. It moves sideways on land. ______________

5. It is a fully-grown male sheep. ______________

6. It is the male form of cattle (牛), kept on farms to be the parent of young cattle. _____________

Step Three Finish Part B on P 7 (Join the dots and colour the pictures)

Explain that there are ________ star signs in total—those in Part A and those in

Part B. Each star sign represents a period of time in a year.

star sign date star sign date

Aries Libra

Taurus Scorpio

Gemini Sagittarius

Cancer Capricorn

Leo Aquarius

Virgo Pisces

Step Four Work in groups

Talk about the star signs, tell the others when you were born and what your own star sign is.

Find out when your friends were born and what their star signs are.

A: How old _________?

B: He is/ I am ________.

A: What’s your animal sign?

B: ___________.

A: When is your birthday?

B: It’s on ____________.

A: So you are a (an) ______. / Your star sign is ___________.

Activity Three Presentation of comic strips

Step One Listen to the tape and answer the following questions

1. Who brings Eddie the newspaper?

2. What does Hobo ask Eddie to read? Why?

3. What happens to Eddie’s breakfast at the end of the story?

Step Two Read and try to act it out

Activity Four Fill in the blanks

One morning, Eddie was having his________when he asked Hobo to bring him the_________. Hobo told Eddie to read his stars in the newspaper because it was very __________. Eddie got a piece of good news from the newspaper. It was he could have _______to eat and drink. But Hobo brought him a piece of ________ news. It was his breakfast had been eaten by______.



1. I’m __________, could you give me something to eat?

2. In Chinese culture, we use 12 animal signs while people in the West use ________ signs.

3. There are many beautiful _________ (鱼) swimming in the river.

4. Don’t __________ (担心) about not catching the early bus, it’s still early.

5. Don’t forget to _________ (带来) your homework here tomorrow.


1. 在老师的帮助下,你不必担心你学不好英语。

You needn’t_______ ________ not _______your English well _______ the teacher’s help.

2. 你帮助我带来我的报纸太好了。

It’s so nice ________ you to ________ me the newspaper.

3. 我很饿,我要很多东西吃喝。

I’m _________, I’ll have ________ to eat and drink.

Period Two Reading I

Learning Activities

Learning aims

1. To make the students know more about star signs.

2. Let the students know some words about the characteristics.

3. To make the students know the knowledge about describing people’s abilities, special qualities and characteristics.

Teaching procedures

Activity One Preview

I. New words (写出下列单词的划线部分的音标、词义和词性)

1. divide ______________________ 2. similar______________________

3. characteristics _________________ 4. energetic ____________________

5. active ______________________ 6. impatient ___________________

7. leader ______________________ 8. selfish______________________

9. stubborn _____________________ 10. patient______________________

11. curious ______________________ 12. outgoing ____________________

13. save ________________________ 14. cooking_____________________

15. confident_____________________ 16. modest_____________________

17. envy ______________________ 18. jealous _____________________

19. practical _____________________ 20. fair ______________________

21. elegant ______________________ 22.peace ______________________

23. argue ______________________ 24.silly ______________________

25. forgive ______________________ 26. mistake______________________

27. humorous ___________________ 28.differently ____________________

29. easy-going __________________ 30.creative ______________________

31.imaginative __________________ 32.dream______________________

33. equally ____________________ 34. probably ____________________

II. New Phrases (翻译下列短语)

1. be divided into _______________ 2. at times ____________________

3. give up easily ________________ 4. take care of ___________________

5. pay attention to details ___________ 6. argue with us ____________________

7. keep secrets _________________ 8. forgive others for their mistakes________

9. without getting angry____________10. dream about everything______________

III. New sentences (翻译下列句子)

1. A year is divided into 12 different star signs.


2. Some people believe that people born under the same star sign share similar characteristics.


3. However, sometimes it is silly of you not to forgive others for their mistakes.


4. You are patient enough to wait for a long time without getting angry.


Activity Two Lead-in

1. What is your star sign?

2. Can you tell me something about yourself? (abilities, special qualities, characteristics)

3. How many students are under the same star sign as you in your group?

4. What are they like? (clever, kind, generous, hard-working, brave, patient, polite….)

5. Do you share similar characteristics?

Activity Three Reading and understanding

Step One Read the whole passage quickly and silently, then finish Part C1 on P10

Step Two Read the passage again while listening to the tape and answer the following questions

1. Is Aries lazy?

2. Which star sign likes saving money?

3. Does Sagittarius like telling jokes?

4. Which star sign has the best imagination?

5. If your birthday is on 13th September, what is your star sign?

Step Three Read the article for a third time and try to find out the adjectives to describe people’s characteristics of each star sign

Aries:___________________________ Taurus:___________________________

Gemini: ________________________ Cancer: _________________________

Leo: ___________________________ Virgo: __________________________

Libra: __________________________ Scorpio:________________________

Sagittarius: _____________________ Capricorn: _______________________

Aquarius: ______________________ Pisces: _________________________

Step Four Finish Part B on P 10, check, read and try to recite it

Activity Four Practice

Step One Write an adjective to describe the person

1. Li Ming is ______. He never shares things with others, he only thinks of himself.

2. Tom is a (n) ________ person. He enjoys meeting people and making friends.

3. The leader is __________. He has a lot of energy and never feels tired.

4. How _________ he is! He always thinks he will win all the time.

5. What a (n) _________ teacher he is! He can wait without getting angry.

6. He is a (n)_________ person, because he never gets angry with others easily.

7. Mr. Wu is a _________ teacher, he treats everyone equally.

8. The little girl is ________ about everything. She wants to know everything.

Step Two Finish Part C2, check and read it

Step Three Finish Part D, and have a discussion

What is your star sign?

Do you have the same characteristics as the star sign says?

Do you believe what the star signs say about people are facts?

So we can have a conclusion: __________________________________________


威廉希尔app 初三英语教案



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