Unit 6 Detective stories教学案



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 Unit 6 Detective stories教学案

学习目标 知识目标 1、掌握cruel、medium height等单词与词组及句型:My food has gone missing.


能力目标 1、阅读关于四个嫌疑犯的笔记,判断谁最有可能是罪犯。


情感目标 通过师生、生生合作探究,体验合作的愉悦,增强乐于合作的意识。

学习重点 1、能运用所学词汇和句型进行比较顺畅的交谈并能表明自己的观点。


学习难点 画一幅嫌疑犯的画像,描述画像。


一、用正确的语音语调流利的朗读Comic strip三遍,回答问题。

1. Is Eddie looking for a murderer?

2. Why is Eddie dressed like that?

二、用正确的语音语调流利的朗读Welcome to the unit,回答下例问题。

1. Where did the murder happen?

2. Who was murdered?

3. When did it happen?

4. Who murdered the young man?


1、打扮成 2、寻找 3、发生在一个城镇

4、失踪,丢失的 5、作关于……笔记

6、因……被通缉 7、中等身材

8、做些重要的工作 9、更加严重得多

10、查出 11、不得不 12、看侦探故事

13、在上星期六夜里 14、最可能


一、 小组分角色朗读并表演Comic strip部分对话,根据自己的想象添加内容。

二、 学习Comic strip对话内容,完成短文。

One day, Eddie was d_______ like a detective. He was d_____ some important w______. Hobo didn’t k_____ what he was l______ for. When Eddie said his food had gone m_______. Hobo was ________.

三、 学习Welcome to the unit, 自己画出图片,展示各自的判断并说明理由。(一个学生扮演侦探,一组内其他同学扮演“嫌疑犯”)

四、 根据Welcome to the unit 内容,完成对话并小组合作编写新的对话,组间竞赛展示。

A:Who do you think may be the murderer?

B: I think Jimmy White is (1)m______ likely to be the murderer.

A: Why?

B: (2)B__________ he is tall and strong. He is good at fighting perhaps.

A: I don’t think he’s the murderer. He’s always (3)h___________.

B: Then (4)w______ else do you think is the murderer?

A: I think Frank Johnson is the murderer because he is nervous and (5)c______.

五、 讨论:What will I do if there is a crime?



1. My purse is missing. would you help me find it?

A. lost B. missed C. losing D. loss

2. This problem is much more serious than that one.

A. many B. far C. very D. quite

3. What’s the man’s occupation? Do you know?

A. job B. age C. working D. action

4. The old woman was at home alone. She didn’t feel lonely.

A. lonely B. along C. by herself D. by themselves

5. The reward of ¥10,000 is very high. You can buy an expensive car.

A. good B. useful C. dear D. cheap


1. He has to do much homework every day.(否定句)

He __________ do much homework every day.

2. Last year he was a salesman(提问)

____________he last year?

3. They have to find out. Who is the murder.(合并一句)

They have to find out_____________________


1. ---What is your father doing?

---He’s ____________________________________(做一些很重要的工作).

2. --- What does Eddie think is much more serious?

---He finds his food _____________________________(已经没有了).

3. Eddie ___________________(像那样穿) because he wants to be a detective.

4. I’m a detective, I need to _________________________(记关于他们所有人的笔记)

5. ---What was Emily Smith doing at 8 p.m. last Sunday night?



课题 9A Unit6 Reading(1)

学习目标 知识目标 1、 掌握四会单词与整理重要词组

2、 学习一篇关于谋杀案的新闻报道

能力目标 1、 掌握阅读技巧,形成阅读策略


情感目标 热爱生活,热爱生命,关爱他人。

学习重点 1、 掌握重要词组,理解新闻报道中的长句子

2、 养成阅读技巧,形成阅读策略

学习难点 理解新闻报道中的长句子



a) Who was murdered last night?

b) Where was the body of the young man found?

c) Was there any blood?

二、阅读课本Reading 部分,按前后顺序重新排列。____________

a. The victim died.

b. The victim’s parents offered a reward for information.

c. The victim struggled with the attacker.

d. The victim left his office in New Town.

e. The police checked the scene for clues.

f. The body was found in the doorway of a clothes shop.

g. The victim was charged with computer crimes.



1.一个二十二岁的男人 2.被看见离开他办公室

3.在案发现场 4.其它的某地

5.和某人联系 6. 受到某人的来信

7.用刀袭击某人 8. 流血而死

9.进行奋力搏斗 10.犯……罪

11.被指控闯入 12.使他树敌

13.衬衫上带血 14.提供酬金



二、全班展示课本第102页B1和B2 部分练习。




a) Who was killed last night?

b) What was the victim’s job?

c) When did the murder happen?


What is known What is unknown

____1___of death (9p.m.—1a.m.) ___2_____of the murder

____3___of death (attacked with a knife and bled to death) ___4_____for the crime

__5___and occupation of the victim(22, computer programmer) ¬¬¬____6_____of murderers

criminal ____7____of the victim(broke into several computer systems over the last year) if the victim had ___8____


a) Are there any suspects so far?

b) Did the suspects kill the young man?

c) What have the victim’s parents offered?

d) How can people contact the police if they have any information?

五、组内讨论:1. Why was the young man killed?

2. Why was the only suspect not guilty?

3. Who else can be the murderer? Why?

威廉希尔app 初三英语教案



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