Module 9 Cartoon stories学案



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 Module 9 Cartoon stories学案

一 单词拓展

1 imagine

1) 想象,假想(v.)Dick imagines that he will be a space pilot.

2) imaginative 富有想象力

imagination 想象力

2 serious

1) 严重的(a.)It’s a very serous matter.

2) 认真的(a.)I’m serious, I’m not joking.

3) 严肃的(a.)Don’t look so serious.

3 matter

1) 事(情)(n.)Martin ref used to discuss the matter.

2) 问题(n.)It’s a matter of duty.

3) 有关系,重要(v.)It doesn’t matter how you’re dressed.

4 borrow-lend

1) borrow 表示“向人借”“借入”(borrow sth. from sb.) May I borrow your bike?

2) lend 表示“借给”“借出”(lend sth. to sb.) Could you lend me some money?

5. news

1) 新闻(U.)形式是复数,但意义是单数;用作主语,谓语动词需用单数形式.表示“条”,“则”须加piece.

eg. I like reading foreign news.

I have a good piece of news.

6. lost (lose的过去式,过去分词)

丢失 (v.) I lost my key.

二 你知道下列短语吗?能用他们造个句吗?

1 one of

2 have a word with sb.

3 give st. to sb. / give sb. sth.

4 Could you tell sb.

5 no matter laughing

6 in deep trouble

7 take a photo

8 make sb. do sth.

三 定语从句知多少?看看语法书吧!

例句:It will be a cartoon which has a happy ending.



1 北京是具有2000年历史的城市。

Beijing is a city ______________________________. (which has a history of 2000 years)

2 这就是你想认识的那位作家。

This is the writer _____________________________. (who you want to know)

Unit 2 预习导纲

一、 单词拓展

1、 Word n. 言语

1) have a word with sb. 和某人说句话

Your friend wants to have a word with you.

2) in a word总之,简言之,一言以蔽之

The house is roomy, cool in summer, and in a word comfortable.

3) in other words也就是说;换句话说

Is there a cheaper solution? In other words, can you make a cheaper device?

2、 mess n. 凌乱,混乱;困境

untidy 不整洁的 ,disorganized 混乱的,没有条理的,disorder 混乱,凌乱

Her hair was in a terrible mess.

The US economy is now in a mess.

3、 private adj. 私人的,秘密的 (public adj. 公众的;公共的)

1) in private (你做某事时,因为需要保密,而没有其他人在场)

Could we talk to you in private?

2) privacy n. 隐私,秘密;隐居;私事;不受公众干扰的状态

Take it home and read it in privacy.

4、 lead (led-led) vt.领导 n.领先,首先

The road leads you to the town.走这条路你就能到镇上。

1) lead, guide 与区别


Guide 引着参观,导游;一直陪在一旁

direct 指路;指出方向,不一定去。如:

He led me to my seat. 他带我到了我的座位。

She guided the tourists around the city.她引着旅游者参观了这个城市。

Could you direct me to the railway station?


2) lead up to作为。。。的准备,引出,导致;使话题(渐渐)转向

The chain of events led up to her death.

That's just what I was leading up to.那正是我要说的。

3) lead a dog’s life 过着不快乐的生活

He leads a dog’s life being a tramp.

4) Lead off开始。如:

He led off by telling us the latest news.


5) Lead to引起;导致。如:

Smoking cigarettes leads to lung disease.吸烟导致肺病。

5、 rule n. 规则,规定vt. 统治

1) to rule out doing sth.阻止做某事

eg. The chairman has ruled out spending any more money on the project .董事长已决定不再给这个项目投资了。

2) rules and regulations规章制度;school rules校规;to break the rules违规

3) ruler n. 统治者;直尺

6、 common普通的,通俗的;ordinary 普通的,平常的;正常的;平凡的;usual 通常的,常有的,常见的,普通的

in common adv. 共同的we have a lot in common.

7、 experience

1) experience n.(可数名词) 经历,阅历

He wrote a book about his experiences in the war.

Travelling in China was an experience I’ll never forget.

2) experience n. (不可数名词)表示“(由实践得来的)”经验,体验;感受

Everyone learns best from his own experience.

Experience has taught me that life can be very unfair.


The teacher has over ten years’ teaching experience.


3) experience vt.经历,体验

The world has experienced great changes in the last two decades


4) experienced adj.有经验的,经验丰富的;熟练的,老练的,有见识的

He is an experienced driver.

5) To be experienced in sth. 在某事物上经验丰富

To be experience in doing sth. 在做某事上经验丰富

二、 你知道下列短语吗?能用他们造个句吗?

1. win the heart of…

2. as…as…

3. a group of

4. make a mess

5. ever since

6. translate…into…

7. more than

8. keep collections of…

9. hold a birthday party

三、 你知道下列句型吗?能用他们造个句吗?

1. ever since

2. It is + adj. for sb. to do sth.

3. more than

4. as much as possible

5. not only …but also…

第一课时:(听说课) Unit 1 We need someone like Superman who can save Tony.


Step 1课前预习检测 (根据学生情况,可以二选一)Xkb m

1 英汉词组互译。

1)寻找 ___________________ 2)有许多笑话 _____________________

3)和某人讲话 __________________ 4)没什么好笑的 _____________________

5)遇到大麻烦___________________ 6)使某人大笑 _____________________

7)over there ___________________ 8)have a happy ending __________________


cartoon, serious , save, character, laugh , smart, ending

1) What kind of _____________ do you like?

2) I like cartoon stories with a hero who ________ the world, like Superman.

3) Are the cartoons funny or __________?

4) Tony likes Jerry because he’s both _________ and cute.

5) Betty’s favourite cartoon ____________ might be Superman.

6) I like the ones which make me ___________.

7). A cartoon in which the hero saves someone is a story with a happy __________.

Step 2 听力训练(Activity 2)听一段对话,填写表格信息

Betty Daming

the kind of cartoons they like cartoon 1______ 2________ cartoons

favourite cartoon characters 3____________ Jerry

the reason they like the cartoon

characters He is a 4______

who saves the world He’s both 5________and


听力训练(Activity 3)

听第一段对话,完成1-3小题(beginning – Lingling 3)

( ) 1 What does Betty think the ending will be?www

A. Happy. B. Unhappy. C. Excited.

( ) 2 Why is the situation no laughing matter?

A. Because Tony has lost his father’s camera.

B. Because his father will be angry with him when he knows the truth.

C. Both A and B.

( ) 3 How do you think Superman can save Tony?

A. He can find the camera and give it to Tony.

B. He will tell Tony’s father the truth.

C. He will ask the police for help.

听第二段对话,(Mr. Jackson – ending),填写表格信息

This isn’t 1.__________ those cartoons which make you 2.___________.

Could you tell him I’d 3. ___________ have a word with him?

If Tony tells his dad that he’s lost the camera he 4. __________, he’ll be 5._________ trouble.

How can we let Tony 6.__________ that we’ve got his dad’ camera.

Step 3语法讲练(Activity 3)

1 请在对话中找到下列各句,你知道它们的意思吗?

1) The cartoons ( that/which) I like have lots of jokes.

2) This isn’t one of those cartoons which make you laugh.

3) We need someone like Superman who can save Tony.

4) If Tony tells his dad that he’s lost the camera (that/which )he borrowed, he’ll be in deep trouble.

5) Perhaps it’ll be a cartoon which has a happy ending.

2 请同学们观察画线部分的共同特点:

当引导定语从句的关系代词作从句的宾语时,关系代词that/which 就可以省略,无论从句修饰的是人还是物。

3 举一反三


This is the man ___________________________ .


I want to buy the stamp ______________________ .

3) 刚才和我们一起玩的那个女孩在哪里?

Where is the girl __________________________?

4 完成P144 Exercise 1(可以灵活安排)

Step 4 当堂检测(语法和句型)

1 单项选择。

1)The whole world is fighting against the H1N1, a disease _____ has caused many deaths.

A. who B. which C. whom D. what

2)Is that the man _____ helped us a lot after the earthquake?

A. whose B. which C. what D. who

3)Rosa likes music _____ is quiet and gentle. (2006 中考题)

A. when B. that C. where D. who

4)This isn’t one of those cartoons which make you ________.

A. laughs B. laughing C. laugh D. laughed

5)Where is Jimmy? I’d like to have a word _______ him.

A. to B. of C. in D. with

2 完成句子。


_____________________________________ have a word with him ?


You’d better behave yourself, or you’ll ______________ when your mum gets home.

3)你能想象到这个故事的结尾吗?__________________________ of this story?


This isn’t one of __________________ make you __________.


Be serious! This is _____________________.


Unit 2 There are several fan clubs in China which have held birthday parties for Tintin.


Step 1 课前预习检测。

1. 英汉词组互译。

1)赢得某人的心 2)全世界

3)一群 4)……与……一样

5)搞得乱七八糟 6)一个重要的生日

7)受欢迎的 8)自从那时起到现在

9)把……译成…… 10)多于,超过

11)保存着……的收集 12)举办生日聚会

2. 用方框中所给的词组的正确形式完成下列各句。

Dear Tony,

Cartoons are my forever friends. I have liked cartoons ______________ I was three years old. My favorite cartoon is ________________. It has _____________________ so that I have seen it again and again. It tells us a story of a monkey_________ leads a group of monkeys against the rule of the Emperor in heaven. He_____________ in each room there. I often see it when I’m free. Now I ____________________ its beautiful pictures. I believe that if you watch the cartoon story, you will like it as well.

Beat wishes.



Step 2 阅读训练

1. 主旨阅读


P1 A. The birthday celebration of Snoopy and why Charles Schultz created Snoopy.

P2 B. Some recent cartoons which were created in the west have become very popular in China.

P3 C. An old cartoon character called the Monkey King is still popular today.

P4-5 D. The development of another favourite cartoon named Tintin.


( )1. How many cartoon heroes are mentioned in the passage?

A. 3. B. 4. C. 5. D. 6.

( )2. Which one is a recent cartoon hero?

A. Nemo. B. the Monkey King. C. Tintin. D. Snoopy.

2. 细节阅读


( ) 1.What does the Monkey King do in heaven?

A. He leads a group of monkeys against the rule of the emperor in heaven.

B. He flies into an apple garden. C. He eats few peaches.

D. He makes a mess in one room in heaven.

( ) 2. We can use the expression “Havoc in heaven” when_________.

A. parents return and see a mess

B. parents return and see a tidy room

C. a boss returns and sees everything is ready

D. a teacher returns and sees a clean classroom

( ) 3. How long has the whole series of Tintin been published in China?

A. For 75 years. B. For 25 years. C. For 40 years.D. For about 50 years.

( ) 4. According to the passage, which one is NOT right about Snoopy?

A. He is a lovable dog. B. Charles is the creator of Snoopy.

C. He lives in his own private dream world.

D. China’s Snoopy fans celebrated his “50th birthday” in 1984.

( ) 5. Which is the best sentence which summarizes the passage?

A. Not all popular cartoons are recent; some have been popular for many years.

B. The most popular cartoons are published as books and not as films.

C. Many people who read cartoons today are children.

D. Many cartoons which were created in the West have become very popular in China.

2) 阅读短文,回答问题。

1. Is Nemo popular in China?


2. How old is the Monkey King according to the passage, 40 or 50?


3. Where did Tintin travel?


4. How many languages has the whole series of Tintin been translated?


5. Who celebrated Snoopy’s 50th birhtday in 2000?


3. 阅读提升


Monkey King is known to the Chinese old and young as Journey to the West which is one of the classical Chinese novels. ____1____ I have watched it four times ever since. The cartoon is about a monkey called the Monkey King who leads a group of monkeys against the rule of the Emperor in heaven. __2__ For example, he flies into a peach garden and eats as many peaches as he likes. He makes a mess in each room in heaven.__3__The Emperor has to ask Buddha for help. Buddha imprisons(监禁) the monkey under a great mountain known as Wu Zhi Shan (The Mount of Five Fingers). The tenacious (顽强的) monkey survives the enormous weight and pressure.__4__ Monkey King accompanies Xuan Zang to start their stormy journey to the West -- a journey packed with actions and adventures.

A. Five hundred years later, there comes to his rescue the Tang Monk, Xuan Zang, who is a famous monk of the Chinese Tang Dynasty (602-664).

B. The monkey is very naughty and makes trouble everywhere.

C. The cartoon Havoc in Heaven was made in 1961 and has just had its 50th birthday.

D. As a result, what he has done makes the Emperor in heaven very angry.


Nemo and Shrek who are the heroes of popular cartoons have __1__ the hearts of young people in China and all over the world.

But there are some cartoon favourites which are __2__. The cartoon of the Monkey King which __3__ the story of a monkey who __4__ a group of monkeys against the rule of the Emperor in heaven. He __5__ into a peach garden and eats as __6__ peaches as he likes. He __7__ a mess in each room in heaven.

Another favourite is a reporter __8__ red hair and a small white dog- Tintin. Tintin has travelled to the jungles, the backstreets of Shanghai and even the __9__ of the moon.

Finally, Snoopy, Charlie Brown’s lovable dog who lives in his own __10__ dream world is popular as well. The cartoons are not only created for children but also for adults who have experienced life.

( ) 1. A. got B. won C. caught D. drew

( ) 2. A. nicer B. newer C. younger D. older

( ) 3. A. says B. speaks C. tells D. talks

( ) 4. A. leads B. guides C. directs D. lets

( ) 5. A. jumps B. flies C. climbs D. runs

( ) 6. A. much B. more C. most D. many

( ) 7. A. makes B. does C. takes D. gets

( ) 8. A. on B. for C. with D. in

( ) 9. A. cover B. layer C. surface D. face

( )10. A. personal B. private C. individual D. privy

Step 3 巩固加深

1、 请在课文中画出下列重要词组。

Win the heart of sb., all over the world, a group of, as …as…, make a mess, an important birthday, be popular, ever since, translate…into…, more than, keep the collection of, hold birthday parties.

2、 你理解下列句子的含义吗?请把下列句子翻译成中文。

1) The cartoon of the Monkey King has just had its “40th birthday”. Called Havoc in Heaven,it tells the story of monkeys against the rule of the Emperor in heaven.


2) Another favourite who has celebrated an important birthday in China is a reporter with red hair and s small white dog.


3) There are several fan clubs in China which have held birthday parties for Tintin in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Nanjing and Wuhan.


4) “I didn’t draw the cartoons only for children. Adults who have experiences life understand them better,” said the late Charles Schultz, creator of Snoopy and the Peanuts cartoons.




I have taught the girl to learn English __________________ she came to China.


It is _____________for a cartoon ____________________the children.

3)他的演唱会很受欢迎,已经在全世界举办了50 多场。

His concert ______________it has been held _______ 50 performances all over the world.


We should try to stay with our parents _________________________________.


__________________________________old people like cartoon heroes.

Step 4 当堂检测(语法和句型)

1. 单项选择(语法)

( ) 1. --Can you translate this sentence ___________Chinese for me? I’m poor in English.


A. into B. to C. with . D. for

( ) 2. Monkey King tells the story of a monkey ___________ leads a group of monkeys against the rule of the Emperor in Heaven.

A. which B. who C. when D. where

( ) 3. The whole series of Tintin __________ in December, 1984 in China.

A. publish B. published C. are published D. were published

( ) 4. I’d love to have a friend has the same hobby as me.

A. which B. who C. / D. what

( ) 5. This is the school ______I visited last summer.

A. what B. when C. which D. who

2. 完成句子(句型)


I have known Tom __________________ he was a little child.


_______________________for the teachers __________________________.


His book __________________it has been translated into ________ 50 languages.


We should try to speak English _________________________________.


__________________________________the adults like Superman.


Unit 2 There are several fan clubs in China which have held birthday parties for Tintin.


Step 1 课前复习检测


1).win the hearts of ________________ 2).as…as ____________________

3).make a mess ___________________ 4). return to the house __________________

5).all over the world _______________ 6).above all ___________________

7).translate… into_________________ 8). begin to do sth. ____________________

9) ever since _________________ 10).be able to do sth. ____________________


1). 他的书已经被译成五十多种语言了。

His books _______________________ more than 50 languages.

2). 这是我读过的最有趣的一本书。

This is the most interesting book .

3). 那部电影赢得了很多观众的心。

That film has _________________ many audiences.

4). 英语课上要尽可能地多讲英语。

You should ___________ in English class.

5). 你看上去很累,为什么不好好休息一下呢?

You look very tired. have a good rest?

Step 2 写作训练


成长中每个人都会受到周围人的帮助。在你即将初中毕业之际,班里召开以 “Thank You” 为主题的英语班会,请你准备发言稿。描述你要感谢的一位同学(Li Hua),简单陈述理由,并谈谈感受。

提示词语:give one’s thanks to, read, good at, go to the library, borrow English books, with his help, sweet memories, take the chance to do sth. ,

1 话题:

审题: 2 时态:

3 人称:

1 开头: 1

构思: 2 信息点: 2

3 结尾: 3


1. I, would like to, give my thanks to


2. he, tall, thin


3. read,


4. went to the library, sometimes, borrowed English books ( not only… but also)


5. have problems in reading, explain to


6. improve, with his help,


7. think of the days, spend together


8. sweet memories, the last three years


9. take the chance to, thank you



1 他是一个高高瘦瘦并且非常喜欢帮助他人的男孩子。(and, as well)


2 他不仅喜欢读书,而且英语学得非常好。(not only…but also, do well in)


3. 当我阅读有困难时他都会耐心地为我解答,因此在他的帮助下我的英语提高了很多。(whenever, explain to,sot that)


4. 还有,最重要的是这些难忘的日子将成为我过去的三年中最甜蜜的回忆。

(What’s more,)


5. 我想借此机会说声谢谢。



________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

第四课时:(复习课) Unit 3 Language in use.


Step 1 课前复习检测


1)look for______________ 2)have a lot of jokes __________

3)have a word with sb. _______ 4)no matter laughing ___________

5)be in deep trouble__________ 6)make sb. laugh _________

7)在那边 ______________ 8)有个快乐的结局 ____________

9)win one’s heart 10)all over the world

11) a group of 12)…

13)make a mess 14) ever since

15) translate into 16)more than


1) 这是我读过的最有趣的一本书。

This is the most interesting book .

2) 英语课上要尽可能地多讲英语。

You should ___________ in English class.

3) 对一部卡通片来说能赢得孩子们的心是很必要的。

It is_____________for a cartoon ____________________the children.

4) 不仅孩子,而且成人都喜欢卡通英雄。

__________________________________the adults like cartoon heroes.

5) 你看上去很累,为什么不好好休息一下呢?

You look very tired. have a good rest?

Step 2 词汇训练

1、 你还记得这些词组吗?

U1---- one of ,have a word with sb.,give st. to sb. / give sb. sth.,Could you tell sb.

no matter laughing,in deep trouble,take a photo,make sb. do sth.

U2---- win the heart of…,as…as…,a group of,make a mess,ever since

translate…into…,more than,keep collections of…,hold a birthday party

2、 请完成书上P78 Activity 8 & 9,检验一下自己是否已经掌握。

Step 3 语法训练

1 梳理语法:定语从句(3)— 引导词的省略

引导定语从句的关系代词有who, whom, whose, which, that; 关系副词有where, when, why。它们都在定语从句中担任句子成分。现分述如下:

1). 定语从句如果修饰人,常常用关系代词who,有时也用that(作主语时多用 who)。


He is a man who / that often helps others. 他是一位经常帮助别人的人。

如果这个关系代词在从句中作宾语, 就应当用whom或that, 但这种情况往往都可以


Here is the man (whom / that / who) you would like to see.



The boy to whom I spoke is my brother.



Is there anyone in our class whose father is a doctor?



The house whose windows face the street is my uncle’s.


2). 定语从句如果修饰“物”,用关系代词that的时候较多,有时也用which。

例如: It’s a computer which / that costs six thousand yuan.



The present(that / which) you gave me is very beautiful.



This is the book about which they are talking.


3). 定语从句修饰一个表示时间的词时,用关系副词when。例如:

I will never forget the day when I met her.


4). 定语从句修饰地点名词时,用关系副词where。例如:

This is the place where we lived for five years.


5). 定语从句修饰一个表示原因的词时,用关系副词why。例如:

I know the reason why she didn‘t come yesterday.


2. 当堂训练:根据中文提示完成句子。

1) 这就是挽救了这个男孩生命的医生。

This is the doctor __________________________________.

2) 这是一部讲述超人挽救人类的卡通片。

This is a cartoon ____________________________________________________.

3) 这是一本关于太空技术的书。

This is a book _____________________________________________________.

4) 李蕊是我认识的学生中学习最勤奋的。

Li Rui is the most diligent student ___________________________________________.

5) 鲁迅曾经住过的这所房子现在是鲁迅博物馆。

The house ______________Lu Xun once lived is now the Lu Xun Museum.

3.完成P77 Activity 2和workbook 中P144 Grammar 1 和 Grammar 2

4. 中考链接

1)---Have you found the information about the famous people_____ you can use for the report?

---Not yet. I’ll search some on the Internet. (2010. 兰州)

A. who B. what C. whom D. which

2)Can you lend me the book _______ the other day? (2010. 安徽)

A. that you talked B. you talked about it C. which you talked to D. you talked about

3)---What do you usually do in your leisure time?

--- I enjoy reading in the library _______ I lose my self in a world of good books.(2010.哈尔滨)

A. which B. that C. where D. /

4)Mrs Smith _______ you met yesterday is a friend of mine. (2008. 湖北模拟探究题)

A. which B. what C. when D. /

5)This is the biggest laboratory _______ we have ever built in our school. (2011.湖北黄冈模拟探究题)

A. which B. what C.where D. /

5. 提升训练

许多同学都看过卡通片 《狮子王》,请用简短的内容给没看过的同学介绍一下。角色提示:Mufasa (老狮子王), Simba (小狮子,主角),Scar(老狮子王的弟弟), some other animals(其他一些动物)。

Step 4 当堂检测(语法和句型)

1. 请将下列各句用定语从句连接成一句复合句。

1) I have a friend. He is good at swimming.

I have a friend ____________________________________________.

2) Do you know the film? The film has a happy ending.

Do you know the film _____________________________________________.

3) The Monkey King is a cartoon character. The Monkey King causes problems in heaven.

The Monkey King is a cartoon character _____________________________________.

4) The cartoon is called Havoc in Heaven. It tells the story of a monkey.

The cartoon __________________________________ is called Havoc in Heaven.

5) Jane likes the cartoons. The cartoons make her laugh.

Jane likes the cartoons ______________________________________________.

2. 完成句子

1) 这是我看过的最有趣的一部卡通片。

This is the most interesting cartoon .

2) 你每天应该尽可能地多讲英语。

You should ___________ every day.

3) 对一部电影来说能赢得观众们的心是很必要的。

It is _____________ for a film ____________________the audience.

4) 不仅老人,而且年轻人都喜欢流行音乐。

__________________________________ like cartoon heroes.

5) 明天天气很好,为什么不去公园散步呢?

It will be fine tomorrow . have a walk?

威廉希尔app 初三英语教案



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